And not a second later, the doorbell, which I didn’t even realize hotels had, rang. The maid walked to it and opened the door, allowing at least a dozen people to enter. They came like soldiers, standing in front of us for inspection.

“The first three will take care of your nails, waxing, and facials.” She pointed at the three women, who just nodded, and she went on directing them. “I want her nails an opaque cream color. You’ll need to add length but not much, oval-shaped. For the waxing and facial...”

She looked back at me, and I just stared at her, not sure what half of the words coming out of her mouth meant. So I bit into the apple…annoyed at how good it tasted and how much I enjoyed it. It was just a damn apple.

“Her eyebrows are full. Keep them that way with a slight arch. Nothing drastic or strong. Everything else removed. Luckily her skin isn’t the worst, thank Jesus. She’ll need a laser facial, though, and smoothing mask. Do you have bumps anywhere?”

“Huh?” I licked my lips, looking at her.

“Bumps? Acne? Zits? Anything on anywhere?” she asked again. “Don’t waste time and be embarrassed, just say it. They aren’t anyone.”

Jeez, they are standing right there. And yet when I looked at them they didn’t even look fazed, just waiting.

“Ugh, I have this ingrown hair under my chin—” I said. When I did, she grabbed my chin, lifting it up and nodding.

“Take care of it,” she told the women, who nodded. “Anything else?”

“Do bruises count?”

Her eyes widened. “Where?”

“My ribs and a few on my legs—”

“Make it a full body laser, and also add buttermilk to her bath,” she said to them. “I want it done every day she’s here and also send a message to the head maid at the mansion for the same treatment to be done once she arrives.”

“Yes, ma’am,” one of them spoke out, and when Nari nodded they took a step to the right and a slim, tall woman stood alone.

“Her teeth—”

“My teeth?” I put my hand over my mouth. “I hate dentists.”

“I can tell,” the bitch shot back and then looked at the woman.

“Whiten, and while I see nothing wrong with perfection, the Irish…well, they don’t need her to be perfect. Don’t cut her teeth to be seamlessly straight…but as close to it wouldn’t be bad.”

Did this woman just say cut? And teeth? What the hell?

Next up was one short man, who stood waiting for his orders.

“Drop your hoodie,” Nari said to me.

Doing what she asked, I watched as both of them grimaced.

“What?” I asked, running my hands through my blond hair.

“You can’t be serious.” Nari sighed deeply. “What have you been doing to your hair?”

“Wash, dry, repeat…again prison—”

“Isn’t an excuse for this one. I’m sure they have a comb at least.” She shook her head and looked at the small man. “Obviously, we’ll need to take care of the knots and length. If you must add, cut it and add extensions, but I’d prefer not. She’ll need whatever miracle you can pull but keep it long.”

He nodded and stepped to the side for the final four, two men and two women, to stand in front of her.

“Clothes,” Nari told me. “Stand.”

“You told me to sit.”

She stared, waiting, and I got up. When I did the two women came over.