Page 7 of Down Under

He skims the knuckles of his free hand down the side of my face. “Your dad is one of my best analysts. However, it’s now clear to me that his priorities could use some rearranging. I gave him additional work, but I also gave him a choice. Start the new project immediately, or let it wait until next week. He made the wrong choice.”

Or, maybe it was the right choice.

My dad never actually wanted to have dinner with me, so he jumped on the first excuse that presented itself. Brian had tested him, and he’d failed. If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here, about to go to bed with his boss.

“Okay,” I tell him. “You can come in.”

His thumb dents my bottom lip. I open my mouth just enough for him to slip the tip inside.

“Time for bed, sweetheart,” he rasps. “Daddy’s going to tuck you in tonight.”

Chapter Four

I unlock the front door using the key Liz gave me, my pulse throbbing everywhere, but most notably, behind my clit. I can’t believe Brian just called himself Daddy. What’s more, I can’t believe how fucking hot it was. Every inch of me feels like it’s dying for Brian’s attention. His gaze, his touch, his lips...

I don’t dare let myself imagine anything else.

“Do you want something to drink?” I ask nervously. I’m pretty sure I saw a bottle of Pinot in the pantry when I went hunting for snacks this afternoon.

“No, thanks.” He moves slowly through the foyer and into the living room, eyeing the furnishings and the simple decor. “Is your room downstairs or up?”


He wastes no time in taking my hand and leading me to the second floor. My heart pounds like a bass beat in my ears. He knocks once on each closed door, glancing back at me. I shake my head no each time, until he comes to the guest room door.

Easing the door open, he guides me inside. I’m shaking. I want this—whatever this is—more than I’ve ever wanted anything.

I like that Brian looks at me like a man, and holds my hand like a father. I like that he asks me questions and actually listens to my answers. I have no idea if any of this is normal, him calling himself Daddy and the way my body reacts to the word.

But I wouldn’t have flown seven thousand miles if I was in the market for normal.

Brian tips my chin up. I wish he’d close the distance between us and kiss me. He’s even more handsome to me now that I can see the tiny lines around his eyes and the specks of salt and pepper in his stubble. He brushes my hair from my shoulders and then gently grips the back of my neck. I whimper softly as he lowers his mouth to within an inch of mine.

"I want you get ready for bed as though I'm not even here,” he says.

He releases my neck and takes a step back. I need a second to recover from the sense of loss I feel at his withdrawal. Does this mean he isn’t going to kiss me?

“Um. Okay.” I turn to the drawer where I packed away my underwear and begin rifling in search of my sexiest bra, and panties to more-or-less match. I wasn’t expecting anyone but me to see my underwear—not at first anyway. I hope the ones I’ve brought are pretty enough.

He takes a seat in the plush, white reading chair in the corner, and proceeds to watch me. Sexy und

erwear in hand, I head for the ensuite bathroom.

"Do you normally change in the toilet?" he asks as I reach the doorway.

I turn to face him. “No, not usually.”

“Then please don’t.” The seductive power in his gaze sends a flood of warm tingles down my spine to gather between my legs. I’ve never undressed in front of a man before, let alone one old enough to be my father. The idea alone is as terrifying as it is thrilling.

I unzip my dress and then slowly slip it off. Brian’s gaze is so hot I swear I can feel it burning my skin—or maybe it’s just my natural blush betraying me. I turn toward the bed as I unhook my strapless bra and change into the sexier bra I picked out.

I’m convinced that this would be easier if he were the one undressing me. I wouldn’t have to feel like I was on display. Still, I’d be lying if I said that the thought of him getting hard just from watching me didn’t make my nipples tighten. I’m suddenly desperate to see for myself the effect my nakedness is having on the situation in Brian’s pants.

Holding my breath, I slide my panties down my legs. Again, I can feel his stare warming up my backside, and hear his sharp intake of breath. I pull on my red thong and force myself to stand up straight as I turn to face him.

The look on his face is one of veiled disappointment.

I fold my arms in front of my body. "What's wrong?"