Finally, the tall entrance gates of the cemetery come into view, the ornate metal-work looking beautiful and imposing. The gates are hanging open, and for a second, I think I’ve missed Luca entirely. I step partway through the gate, my heart beating hard as I peer out onto the desolate street beyond.

Did he get out already? Or did he not even come this way?

Then the sound of tires on gravel draws my attention, and I see Luca’s car barreling toward the open gate. Toward me. His headlights are off to keep from drawing attention, but it gives me the opening I need.

Without the light blinding me, I can see into the car, and I take aim and fire. The windshield cracks with the first shot, and I shoot two more times, finally penetrating the thick glass. The car lurches sideways slightly, and I throw myself out of the way as it bears down on me.

It’s still aiming for the opening in the wall where the gates are swung wide, but the slight change in trajectory means it misses.

With a loud crunch, it hits the massive stone wall that borders the cemetery. The sound rises up like a thunderclap, accompanied by the screech of metal crumpling.

The sound fades

away, and I scramble to my feet in the sudden overwhelming silence. The front of the car is crushed up against the wall, and several of the wall’s massive stones have been shoved out of place.

With a grating squeal, the driver’s side door opens. Luca’s bodyguard stumbles out, blood pouring down the side of his head. He raises his gun as he catches sight of me, but before he can fire, I squeeze the trigger of my own gun twice. Both shots hit him, and he wheels backward, collapsing to the ground.

I don’t know how many bullets I have left, but I know it’s not many. Darting forward, I kick the heavy gun out of his flaccid grip and then drop my own weapon to pick it up. It feels too-big and unfamiliar in my hand, but I grip it tightly anyway and straighten up.

Cautiously, I make my way around the car’s trunk, keeping my head ducked as I peer around the side of the car.

My heart jerks in my chest.

Luca’s door is open. I didn’t hear the same screech of metal as when the bodyguard opened his door, so the hinge must not’ve gotten as damaged on this side.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Where is he?

Blood rushes in my ears, and I strain to hear past it, to focus on my surroundings instead of the cold grip of fear curling around my heart.

Where the fuck is he?

I whirl around, keeping my arm locked out and my finger on the trigger of my new weapon, scanning the darkness desperately.

Come on, motherfucker. Come on.

A small sound to one side of me draws my attention, and my head whips to the right, my gun following the movement until I’m face-to-face with Luca.

He’s standing less than two yards away, his own gun pointed at me. In his black suit, he's almost indistinguishable from the darkness around him, and his face is set in angry lines.

“I heard about what you did,” he says, his voice strained and tight. “All those years ago. The way you saved Marcus’s life. I never understood why you did it, but it drew out the game, so I didn’t mind.” He shakes his head, taking a step closer to me. “I should’ve known then that you’d be trouble. I should’ve sent someone to finish the job.”

I don’t answer. My hand is trembling slightly, my finger caressing the trigger.

How fast am I?

How fast is he?

As if sensing my thoughts, he lifts his weapon a little, a scowl twisting his features. “Drop it. Right now.”

My throat tightens as I swallow. “This is over, Luca. It has to be.”

“I agree. Drop your fucking weapon.”

He’ll kill me if I do. I know it. But if I don’t, he’s going to shoot me anyway, and I don’t know what the odds are that I’ll be able to hit him before he hits me.

Luca takes another step forward, closing the space between us even more. The barrels of our guns could almost touch, and this close, I can see the deep scowl lines etched into his face.

My gaze flickers downward briefly, and I notice something else. The dark fabric of his suit is shiny. It gleams in the moonlight, catching the dim illumination of the streetlamps outside the cemetery.