Marcus’s words from the day he fucked me in the shower pour throug

h my mind.

I knew my answer then, and I’m fucking sure of it now.


In every single way possible, I will give myself to these men.

It’s only been a few hours since Theo and I fucked in the bathroom, but my body doesn’t seem to care. It’s ravenous, and I grind against Marcus as Theo flicks his tongue over my lips, teasing me. Ryland’s mouth is on my shoulder, his teeth grazing my sensitive flesh as Marcus palms my breast, squeezing hard enough to make me groan.

A soft sound filters through the haze of desire clouding my mind.

It’s not my breath, or the men’s. It’s not the sound of our whimpers or groans.

It’s sharp and metallic, a strange ping that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

Something about it is wrong. I don’t know how, but the animal part of my brain is sure of it.

Beneath me, Marcus stiffens. All three of the men freeze, going absolutely still.

Then Marcus throws himself off the couch, his arms still wrapped tightly around me, as the door bursts open.

Chapter 14

We hit the ground with a heavy thud, wedged between the coffee table and the couch, as Theo and Ryland dive off the couch too. Another sharp pinging sound rings out, and I realize with a shock of recognition that it’s the sound of a gun firing through a silencer.

For a fraction of a second, Marcus’s gaze meets mine, the earth and air of his irises churning with emotion. Then he rolls off me in the cramped space, reaching into his suit jacket and pulling his gun from the holster.

The sounds of his shots are loud, and whoever breached the door falls back, taking cover behind the door frame on the outside of the house. From where I’m lying on the floor, I can see that part of the door is blown away near the knob, and I realize whoever it is must’ve shot out the lock. That’s what the first pinging noise was.

“Fucking hell!” Theo shouts as Marcus shoots again. “It’s goddamn Adrian.”

A bullet tears through one of the front windows of the house, shattering glass.


Marcus snatches my gun off the coffee table and shoves it into my hand. Then he flips me over onto my stomach, shielding my body with his as he shoves over the coffee table to create a makeshift barrier.

“Get behind the couch. Go! Move!”

My dress catches around my legs, and it’s hard as fuck to army crawl with only three full limbs, but I manage to scramble around behind the couch, pressing my back to it as Marcus joins me. He peers around the edge, then glances at Theo, who’s taking cover behind a large chair nearby. Ryland is on my other side, tension radiating from him.

“At least two outside,” Marcus says quietly. “Adrian’s by the door, and there’s one more with him, I think.”

A bullet embeds itself into the couch with a cracking sound, and my heart lurches in my chest. Ryland pops around his side of the couch, firing two rounds at the door.

“How the fuck did he find us?” he mutters, sounding furious.

It’s a pointless question. It doesn’t matter how Adrian found out our location. All that matters is that he’s here now. We all knew this place wouldn’t be safe forever, but I damn sure hoped our security would last longer than this.

Luca really did unleash the wolves on us.

Breathing hard, I tighten my grip on my gun. The metal is comforting in my grip, cool and smooth against my heated skin. My finger rests lightly on the trigger, and I catch Marcus’s gaze as he glances over at me.

Something almost like pride flashes in his eyes, and I wonder fleetingly what I must look like right now. My hair is unkempt, I’ve got scrapes and bruises, and everything about me is at odds with the elegant beauty of the dress I’m wearing.

But I don’t think Marcus cares. All he sees is a warrior. A woman who’ll do whatever it takes to survive.