A rush of emotions surges through me, overriding the numbness of my shock. Tears burn my eyes, and I gasp for breath as I stumble blindly down the hall, running my hand along the smooth plaster of the wall.

I’ve spent years trying to find my brother, searching desperately for him, spending money I didn’t have on low-rent detectives. Doing whatever was in my means to try to find him.

And this is who he turned out to be?

The man who kidnapped me? The guy who pulled a fucking gun on me, who hunted me and the men down and shot at us after our car crashed?

Marcus is alive, but that’s only because of blind luck. Because of Victoria’s scheming and quick action. Dom could’ve been responsible for his death.

A gasping sob falls from my lips, a rush of fury filling me.

If Marcus had died, I would kill Dominic, brother or not.

I feel like all the things bouncing around in my chest are about to crack my ribs. It’s too fucking much. I need air. I need—

I slam into a broad, shirtless chest, and warm hands settle on my upper arms.

“Hey, Rose? You okay?”

Theo’s concerned blue-green eyes gaze up at me, and I blink at him as if I’ve never seen him before in my life. The line between his brows deepens, and he drops his head a little.

“What happened? Are you all right?”


The word comes out automatically. I’m not all right, but I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to say the truth out loud. I want to bury it in the backyard with a shovel and let it die a slow death.

The look on Theo’s face tells me that the single, raspy word didn’t convince him at all. He opens his mouth to say something else, but I tug out of his grip and stumble toward the open door at the end of the hall.

It’s a small bathroom, as cramped and sparse as the rest of the house.

Stepping inside, I push the door shut behind me, but a heavy hand blocks it from closing. Theo steps in after me, his face a mask of concern.

“What the hell is it, Rose? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

That last word pokes at some raw wound inside me. That’s exactly what I feel like. Like I’ve seen a ghost. An echo of a past that no longer exists.

Bracing my hand on the edge of the sink, I drop my head, breathing in deeply as I try to get some kind of handle on myself. I feel the warmth of Theo’s skin before our bodies even touch. He comes to stand behind me, resting his hands on my shoulders and offering silent comfort as I inhale and exhale.

When I’m a little calmer, he shifts his grip, sliding his hands down and wrapping them around my upper torso, pressing my back to his chest.

He meets my gaze in the streaked and cloudy mirror, worry still darkening his features.

“Please tell me what’s wrong.”

It’s a simple plea, heartfelt and quiet. I still don’t want to say anything, but the earnestness in his voice tugs at me. I remember the night he came to find me upstairs after we ran into Jordan at Saraven. He was so sweet and gentle, so careful with me.

This man will never hurt me.

The certainty that washes through me at the thought settles my racing heart a little. In this world of liars and manipulators, of vicious and senseless cruelty, real trust is the most priceless thing there is.

And Theo has earned my trust over and over again.

I hold his gaze in the mirror for a second, gathering the words on my tongue. Then I turn in his arms, coming face-to-face with him as the fabric of my dress swishes around my legs.

“Dominic…” I lick my lips, trying to clear away the bitterness that coats the word. “He told us he was adopted. That day he came to the house. He found out because someone sent the papers to Luca.”

“Yeah.” Theo nods, watching me curiously. “I remember.”