“Yeah.” Mason dipped his head once. He had a determined glint in his eyes, and when he led the way over to the refreshments table that was manned by student volunteers, his stride was quick and heavy, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

We were still standing near the table when Adena swept in with Preston several minutes later, followed closely by Sable and a boy named Kyle Bishop. The blonde girl looked like a fucking movie star on Oscar night, and I was sure the thick band of gemstones draped around her neck were real diamonds. I didn’t know what the Princes had spent on my dress, but I was sure they could’ve bought ten of them for what Adena had paid for hers.

Her gaze panned around the room as the conversation quieted, leaving just the sound of the music filling the large space. Her gaze landed on me, and her features contorted into a sneer for a second before she smoothed them back out, putting on a false smile and tugging Preston along with her.

Adena might claim to hate the Princes, but I had to imagine it stung a little to see me at the dance with the four unequivocally hottest guys at school while she was reduced to bringing a little bitch like Preston.

“What’s that grin for?” Finn arched a brow at me, his dimples popping out.

“Nothing.” I shook my head, pressing my lips together. As satisfying as the thought had been, I didn’t really want to be thinking about Adena at all if I didn’t have to.

The room was dimly lit, with a small stage erected at the far north end. There were several drink and refreshment tables spaced around the perimeter, with the space in the middle reserved for dancing. We made our way to the next drink table, even though the punch was way too sweet and tasted like Kool-Aid.

Behind us, Adena and her posse sauntered over to the table we’d just been at, and I saw Kyle furtively pull a flask out of his jacket pocket, pouring a little into all of their drinks.

“Jesus,” Elijah muttered, so quietly I could barely hear his voice over the music. “That’s what they consider subtle?”

I hid a smile, turning away from the group of them.

A little while later, Leah and Maggie both came over to say hi and exclaim over my dress. They both looked amazing too, and as I complimented their hair and outfits, it was nice to feel… normal for a little while. But as the night wore on, I had a harder and harder time keeping my nerves under control.

Mason must’ve noticed the look on my face, because he took my elbow, leaning in to murmur in my ear, “You okay, Princess? We don’t have to stay. We can leave right now if—”

Before he could finish speaking, there was a short screech of microphone feedback, and then Mrs. LaVaunne’s voice filled the room as the music faded. She was the teacher who’d overseen the prom-planning committee, and she was dressed up almost as much as the students.

“Good evening, graduating class! I’m very happy to see you all here tonight.” She smiled, gazing out over the crowd. “The planning committee did an excellent job of bringing everything together for this event. If you see any of them on the floor tonight, be sure to thank them.”

She made a few more announcements, and then, probably sensing that the crowd was rapidly losing interest, she held up her hands and beamed.

“And now, on to the best part of the evening. The announcement of your prom court.” She waved a large, sealed envelope, and several girls in the audience let out little noises. “Everyone, please put your hands together for your prom king…” She opened the envelope with a flourish, pulling out the card inside. “Preston West!”

The blond-haired boy smirked, exchanging punches on the arm with a few of his buddies as he made his way up toward the stage. Adena set her drink down and watched him go with a satisfied smile on her face, and I repressed the urge to wipe the smirk off with my fist. At least I’d gotten to do it once, although that still didn’t feel like enough.

Preston walked up the stairs on the side of the stage to join Mrs. LaVaunne under the bright lights. Two junior girls darted up from behind them to place a sash over his shoulder and a crown on his head.

Mrs. LaVaunne nodded in satisfaction, then turned back to the microphone.

“Congratulations, Preston. And joining you as your queen will be…” She referred to the card again, although she had to have read the name already. “Talia Hildebrand.”

The music had been turned off when she started speaking, but the room hadn’t been truly quiet until she said those words. Then it was like someone hit the mute button.

Or maybe it was just that I couldn’t hear anything over the blood rushing in my ears.

My heart took off like a racehorse in my chest, and I could feel my ribs pressing against the fabric of my dress as I tried to somehow draw in a full breath.

Oh, fuck. Okay.

Mason’s hand squeezed mine, and his low voice was the only thing that penetrated the fog in my brain.

“You don’t have to, Tal.”

But I did. I had to do this.

Mrs. LaVaunne had called my name, and everyone was staring at me. Waiting for me.

I forced one foot in front of the other, trying to hide my limp under the flowing fabric of my dress as I made my way to the stage. I held my skirt in both hands as I slowly ascended the stairs, glancing upward out of the corner of my eye, as if I might spot a bucket of pig’s blood somewhere in the rafters.

It’ll be okay, Tal. Just do it.