The same simmering, barely repressed anger seemed to churn under his skin as we all piled into his convertible to head into Roseland. I had a gym bag stashed in the trunk, and none of us had changed out of our uniforms yet. The facility was on the far side of town, and Mason had insisted we leave right after class to make sure we weren’t late.

Finn sat behind me, and when he reached around the seat like he always did to massage the back of my neck, I leaned into his touch instead of squirming away from it like I’d done in the past.

It still made butterflies explode in my stomach and a warm feeling pool lower in my belly, but there was something soothing about it too.


Like I didn’t have to be wary of the way my body reacted to him anymore.

When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw Elijah watching me with his perceptive hazel eyes, and Finn’s words about how they all knew everything about each other filtered through my mind.

The other three Princes knew about me and Finn. I was sure of it. And everyone knew about me and Elijah too.

Yet here we all were, driving together without a care, no tension filling the inside of the car. Well, none except what poured off of Mason, who hadn’t relaxed for days. But none of his tension seemed to relate to this situation—to the fact that I’d slept with two of these boys.

Had Finn really meant it? That they were all mine if I wanted them?

Elijah’s soft smile seemed to say yes.

When we pulled up outside the facility, Cole grabbed my crutches from the car while Mason came around to open my door for me. The complex was big, with floor-to-ceiling windows lining the front, and when we walked inside, a pretty redhead behind the front desk looked up.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah.” I limped forward, feeling the Princes gather behind me like an honor guard. “I’m Talia Hildebrand. I have an appointment with Scott Bayless. My grandfather is renting space here so he can work with me.”

“Ah, yes.” She smiled brightly. “Of course. We’ve got it all set up for you. Mr. Bayless called ahead and made arrangements, so you should have everything you need. He’s already here—I’ll take you back to meet him.”


I turned back to the Princes, reaching for my crutches. Cole handed them over, but none of the boys made a move to leave.

“Um, I don’t know if you’re allowed to stay and watch,” I said, my brows pulling together.

Mason shot me a look that clearly said he didn’t give a shit about what was “allowed” or not. But he shrugged lightly. “We won’t stay. We’ll just meet your trainer, and then we’ll come back when you’re done.”

Holy Jesus.

I wasn’t sure if I should roll my eyes or swoon. Even Philip, who had finally been starting to feel like a real grandparent, like true family, wasn’t as overbearing and overprotective as these four boys.

Then again, it was hard to blame them. After the shit Adena had pulled on me, and considering we still didn’t know if she was the one who’d tampered with my brakes, it was hard not to be suspicious of everyone.

“All right. Fine.” I glanced over at the receptionist, who was waiting for us with a somewhat bemused expression on her face, then turned back to the Princes. “But don’t scare him too bad. I don’t want him running for the hills before he has a chance to help me.”

None of them agreed to that.

Cole just grunted, and they all followed me as I trailed along after the front desk girl.

There was a large private room at the back of the facility. I couldn’t tell what it was normally used for, but it had mirrors along one wall, and the hardwood floors had been covered with thick black mats and several massive pieces of equipment. Some looked like they’d be used for building strength, but others, I couldn’t even guess the purpose of. They looked a bit like Medieval torture devices, honestly, with straps and grips and handles everywhere.

I must not’ve been the only one who thought so, because when the man standing by the mirrors saw us enter and stepped forward, the boys behind me practically growled, as if Scott Bayless was intending to tie me to one of those machines and interrogate me until I blurted my darkest secrets.

Scott slowed his pace as he neared me, clearly picking up on the vibe the Princes were throwing out. He looked to be in his late thirties, and none of the Princes were over eighteen, but it hardly mattered. They were powerful boys who would grow up to be powerful men, and the strength and control that radiated from them already was enough to set anyone back on their heels.

Especially when they all stood together like they were doing now, shoulder-to-shoulder with matching steely looks on their faces.

“Uh, hello. You must be Talia.” Scott’s voice pulled my attention back to him, and after one more quick glance behind me, he stuck out his hand. “I’m Scott. I’ve spoken to your grandfather several times over the phone, and I’m really looking forward to working with you. Are these your…?”

His voice trailed off, as if he wasn’t quite sure how to end that sentence. I saved him the trouble of having to come up with something by answering.