“I mean, she didn’t just trade up to a douchebag,” Jayce said, patting Kingston’s back. “She has the rest of us too. Oh, wait, you meant that the guy back there is the douchebag, didn’t you?”

“You know I did, jackass.”

“No, no, I’m not a jackass, Kingston. I’m a hellhound, remember?”

“You’re annoying, is what you are.”

Jayce grinned. “God, it’s good to be back on earth!”

A lady walking by with her dog gave him a funny look.

I poked Jayce in the ribs. “Say that a little louder, man. I don’t think they heard you in Tacoma.”

“Sorry. I can’t help it. The sun is yellow and the grass is green and there are people everywhere.”

“For now,” Xero reminded him somberly. “Won’t stay that way long if we don’t stop Gavriel.”

Jayce’s face fell, then his blue eyes brightened fiercely. “The sun will still be yellow,” he said. “Ain’t shit Gavriel can do about that. No matter what, we won’t let him fuck this place up entirely.”

Ugh, he was so good I couldn’t even stand it. I just wanted to squeeze him until his head popped off. He was like a freaking Labrador, just tromping along, all stubbornly happy and loyal and shit. I couldn’t bear the thought of Gavriel ruining earth for him. It would be sadder than taking Christmas away from a toddler.

My chest burned with a pleasant ache, and I rubbed at it absently.

Damn it. I’m so fucking done for.

My succubus power had bound me to these men. But it was all the time I had spent with them since the moment we first bonded, the peeks into their souls that I’d gotten and the moments we’d shared, that had made me fall in love with them.

And I really was in love with them.

Fully, head over heels, flying-off-the-cliff-with-no-parachute in love with them.

Now I just had to make sure we lived long enough for our happily ever after.

Chapter Eighteen

The jet was waiting for us when we got to the airfield. It was a sleek silver bird which had an emerald green stripe down its side the exact color of Kingston’s eyes. I looked from it to him and back again, my eyebrow creeping steadily upward.

“Was that on purpose?” I finally asked.

The tips of his ears turned pink. “It was originally my dad’s jet,” he said.

“So is that a no, or is the jet your real father?”

“My father is my real father,” he said, rolling those gorgeous green eyes. “Just get on the damn plane, will you?”

I laughed and did as he said. But I almost fell down when I stepped inside.

“Mahogany? Is that real? How much extra weight does it add to this thing?”

“It’s a thin veneer,” Kingston said impatiently. “Will you please sit down?”

“With pleasure!” I scrunched down in one of the oversized leather chairs, sighing happily as the thick cushions hugged my body. “Oh my God, Kingston, why did you ever leave this plane?”

“It’s a lot more comfortable for you than it is for a dragon in mid-transition.” He made a face at the memory and sat down across from me.

“Dude! This was your escape plan? Here I was just running down Hollywood Boulevard on four legs while you were basking in the lap of luxury.” Jayce tutted his tongue. “For shame.”

“I wasn’t basking,” Kingston argued. “How could I? I was green!”