“Kai, you can’t mean that.” Hannah sounded close to tears. She’d put on a brave face ever since she’d thrown her lot in with us the day we were banished, but the stress was finally starting to get to her.

“I do. The Custodians brought this on themselves. Let them deal with the consequences.”

“It ain’t just the Custodians who’re gonna suffer,” Michael said. “If he wins up there, think how powerful he’s gonna be when he comes back. He’ll turn whoever is easy. He’ll burn everyone else. He’ll leave with one army and come back with four.” He paused for a long moment, and when he spoke, his voice was thick. “Besides. There are still people up there worth caring about.”

“There’s no way I can sit this out,” I said, my heart pounding hard in my chest. “I have to get back to earth. The Custodians are assholes, but earth doesn’t deserve this. I’m going to try to stop it.”

“How?” Kingston crossed his arms over his chest, his expression serious.

I shook my head. “I don’t know. But I have to try. You guys don’t have to come. It might actually be better if you stayed—then I won’t be worried about you getting hurt.”

“You’re right.” Xero looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face. “We should all stay here and let you take on Gavriel’s entir

e army all by yourself.”

My heart sank a little. It felt like someone had sucked out a piece of my soul—I’d gotten so used to all of us being a team. But he was just doing what I’d said, going along with my suggestion.

And it would be fine. I would know they were safe, and when it was all over, I could come back for them. I would find a way to get it done.

“Good,” I said, keeping the waver out of my voice.

Xero’s expression shifted suddenly, something like anger mixing with the pride that passed over his face. He pulled me toward him, the movement so sharp that I practically plowed into his chest, but he caught me with his arms around my waist.

His eyes blazed as he looked down at me. “Shut up, Piper. You thought I was serious? There’s no fucking way we’d let you go alone. Ever. We’re coming.”

“Damn straight we are,” Kingston said. “We go where you go.”

Kai’s lips curled up into a smile as he stepped up beside Xero, and he shook his head, holding my gaze. “You really thought you could get away from us? I hate the Custodians. I hate their methods. But I love the fuck out of you. And I’m not letting you go all noble without me there to make sure you don’t get dead.”

My heart jumped in my chest, slamming so hard against my ribs I was sure Xero could feel it.

Kai loved me.

I had known that, or at least, I’d thought I did. But hearing him say it was something else entirely.

Fuck. I wish we weren’t hidden near the outskirts of Gavriel’s camp, spying on his demon army. I wish we had time to acknowledge this moment properly. Preferably naked.

Xero released me, smiling down at me as I stepped toward Kai, wrapping my arms around him and claiming his lips.

“I love you too,” I whispered into the kiss.

He kissed me back, plundering my mouth as if he didn’t give a shit who could see us—not even if it was Gavriel himself.

I could practically feel Xero’s pleased smile as he watched, and when I broke away from Kai, flushed and a little breathless, I saw Jayce and Kingston gazing at me with something intense in both of their eyes.

Did they want to say it too?

I had a feeling they did, and my soul seemed to strain toward them, desperate to be closer to them. But now wasn’t the time for big declarations of feelings. If we got caught by one of Gavriel’s patrol because we were too busy making out in the woods and declaring our love for each other, I’d never forgive myself.

Soon. I’d tell them all how I felt soon.

“I’m coming too,” Hannah said, and Jayce nodded as she spoke, his blue eyes gleaming in the darkness like stars. “We all are. I’m not going to sit out this fight. Honestly, I’m kind of tired of getting these stories second-hand.”

“All right. Thank you all.”

I was happy for the darkness. It hid the trickle of tears as they slid down my cheeks, although I wasn’t sure how much good it did. My men could feel my emotions well enough that Kai’s thumbs unerringly found the wet tracks slipping down my face.

He brushed my tears away and kissed me again before stepping back, giving me a moment to compose myself.