“We know what Gavriel is planning. That he wants to take over earth. We aren’t sure there’s anything we can do about it, but since we’re stuck here, we might as well try. Besides, we think he took our friend.”

“Who’s your friend?”

“Michael. The werewolf,” Xero answered.

The old man gave him an exasperated look. “Michael the werewolf? Have you any idea, boy, how many ‘Michael the werewolves’ there are? For fuck’s sake, you may as well have said you’re looking for Mr. Smith, the demon.”

“He lived alone on the other side of that mountain.” Kinston pointed in the direction we’d come from. “He didn’t want to be involved in Gavriel’s army.”

“None of us do.” The old man stepped toward the fire, stirring the pot that was hanging over it with a rough wooden spoon. “Which is why we hide. Many hide alone. A few of us hide together.”

“We used to have carts,” Elena added. “Pretty, pretty carts painted like the earth and sky. I had a feather bed.” She paused, then giggled in her unhinged sort of way. “All the pretty boy demons thought it was so comfortable.”

The old man glared at her for a moment, then sighed resignedly. “Our encampment was destroyed. Deliberately. They tried to kill us too, but we know these lands better than they ever could. Our family has been nomadic for years. It’s the best way to stay out of Gavriel’s sight.”

“You could join us,” Elena said suggestively as she pressed her lithe body up against Kingston’s. “A little fresh meat around here would be positively divine.”

Kingston flushed and shifted away from her. “Erm—thanks. But we can’t stay long.”

She shrugged and turned away, apparently losing all interest in Kingston as she began playing with Kai’s hair.

I resisted the urge to full-body tackle her, although my hackles went up like a dog’s. She was out of her mind, and I honestly pitied her, but I still didn’t like anyone who wasn’t me touching my men.

“Stay and eat,” the old man said gruffly. “If you’re following the cyclops’ tracks, you’ll reach a village before nightfall. When you come across a giant-sized boulder which has been split perfectly down the middle, turn left and keep perfectly straight. You’ll come to a tunnel hidden in the bushes. Don’t break the boughs. Take the tunnel. On the other side, tell them Maori sent you. They’ll let you in and give you a place to sleep for the night.”

“Thank you,” Kai said with a slight bow. “But why would you give us such sensitive information?”

Elena was rubbing up on Jayce now, purring like a kitten. Maori gestured at her. “She’s an idiot, but her intuition is flawless. She trusts you. Now sit, eat, and be on your way with good tidings. Do you have all you need? Weapons? Magic? Food?”

I blinked at him. The more time I spent in the underworld, the more I realized what a place of harsh contrasts it was. So many of the people and creatures here would kill you painfully and enjoy doing it. But some of them were the complete opposite. They would offer hospitality and help to a group of strangers, would offer food when they barely had enough for themselves, and do it with no expectation of a favor in return.

How can such goodness exist alongside such evil?

“Thank you,” I said gratefully, dipping my chin in a nod.

We stayed for an hour and left with everything we could possibly need. We had a few things left from Michael’s stash, but it was nice to be weighed down with supplies again. Setting out on a short journey loaded down with dried fruits and water skins gave me hope that this trip would go more smoothly than our others had.

“But, my puppies!” Elena watched us go, her eyes big and watery. “Goodbye, puppies! Come back soon!”

“She’s talking about you.” Xero grinned at Jayce and nudged him playfully.

“She said puppies, not puppy. Plural.”

“Yeah, but you’re the only dog around here.” Kingston smirked at Jayce. “Look who has a new girlfriend!”

Jayce shot an embarrassed look at me, and I laughed. “I’ll send you a straight-jacket as a wedding present.”

“Oh, shut up.” Jayce kicked the dirt with an exaggerated scowl. “It’s not my fault I’m irresistible.”

I sidled up to him and kissed his cheek. “Oh, puppy! Come play with me, then I’ll tie you up. For training of cour—oh!”

Jayce swept me off my feet and slung me over his shoulder. “Sorry, guys, you’re gonna have to adventure alone. Piper and I have ropes to find.” He turned on his heel and started walking back the way we’d come.

“I was kidding! Jayce! Put me down!” I was trying to yell at him, but I was laughing too hard to catch enough breath to make it threatening.

He dumped me on my feet and grinned at me. “Didja learn something?”

“Yeah, I learned that sex jokes turn you into a cave man.” I straightened my shirt and shook my head at him. “Quit playing around, the cyclops are getting away.”