“Me neither. I’ll never be sorry about anything when it comes to you, Pipes. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

I leaned forward and kissed him, capturing his lips with my own. His were full and firm, still slightly chapped from his time in Gavriel’s clutches, and I kissed him like I was trying to drink him in.

He was still buried inside me, and his cock hadn’t softened at all. His touch was gentle as he lifted me a little higher in his arms and drew me away from the door, crossing to his bed before laying me down on the mattress. He followed me down, and we scooted up until we were in the middle of the bed, never breaking the connection between us.

Still kissing me softly, he pulled out and slid in again, the movement completely at odds with the harsh desperation that had infused our first fuck.

One wasn’t better than the other. They were both perfect. And they were both Xero.

We moved together, our bodies arching and undulating against each other, skin touching everywhere as we stoked the feelings between us like a slow-burning fire. Every thrust of his hips pulled a breath as soft as a sigh from my lips, and my arms wrapped around him, fingers ghosting over the scars he carried.

I didn’t know how long we fucked like that, but it didn’t matter. If I had my way, I would do this forever, so I was in no hurry.

He worshipped every part of me as we rocked together, kissing my breasts, my neck, my jawline. When my eyelids drooped closed, he kissed those too, and the soft press of his lips felt like a benediction.

When we couldn’t hold back the pleasure any longer, he lifted me in his arms as he sat back on his heels. We came together, wrapped as tightly as possible around each other, our breaths melding into one as our souls reunited.

My heart thudded heavily against my ribs, matching the beat of his as I rested my head on his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

“You’re back,” I whispered, tears stinging my eyes as a single droplet spilled over my lower lid and fell on his shoulder.

“I am now.”

There was such sweet conviction in his voice that I almost couldn’t bear it. I closed my eyes, smiling and crying at the same time as I held onto my bond-mate for all I was worth.

Finally, he lay me back gently on the bed and slid out of me, stretching out on the mattress beside me and pulling me into him. Our legs tangled together and our chests brushed as I gazed into his eyes, his face so close to mine that my eyes had to bounce back and forth to meet his.

Those beautiful sparks in his irises shone bright and steady, like embers in a fire that had never quite gone out.

“I love you, Xero,” I whispered.

“I love you more than anything.” His deep voice rumbled in his chest, and I leaned closer, soothed by the vibrations. “I knew you’d come for me.”

“I always will. Promise.”

He palmed the back of my head and kissed me again, and as my tongue met his, I felt a ping in my chest—an awareness.

My other bond-mates.

I broke away from Xero’s kiss just as a knock came at the door, and when he saw my grin, he grinned too. He lifted his head slightly, not even bothering to cover us up, not even worried about the fact that we both looked freshly fucked.

“Come in.”

The door opened a crack as Jayce peeked inside. He didn’t look at all surprised at what he saw, and he quickly opened the door wider, allowing all three of my other mates to pile into the room.

If I had to guess, my succubus bond had drawn them to us. Given what’d just happened between Xero and me, I had probably been putting out strong enough signals without even meaning to that I’d basically become a beacon for my three other bond-mates.

There was a soft thud as the door closed behind them, and desire filled their expressions as they took in the two of us wrapped up together on the bed.

But underneath the heat, there was something else in their eyes as they looked at us. The same thing I’d felt when I’d seen the sparks still glittering in Xero’s irises.


He was back. And it wasn’t just me he’d come back to. It was all of us.

Turning back to Xero, I cupped his cheek and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Then I glanced over my shoulder at my other three men, arching a brow in a silent invitation for them to join us.

The five of us.