o?” she replies, her voice sounding dazed and distant. “I can feel you, but something’s keeping me from pulling you in.”

I close my eyes and focus on the phantom sensation of her consciousness in mine. I give myself over to the feeling and let her wrap around me. It’s easy to give in to it. It’s all I ever want—to be as close to my mate as possible.

“Pull again,” I tell her, hanging on tightly to her essence.

Suddenly, the world around me dips and sways. I’m no longer aware of my body or of Sable’s warmth pressed against me. There’s only darkness and the distinct sensation that I’m flying with a cold wind rushing past my ears.

Then I land on my feet in a familiar place.

The mating cabin.

When our wolves each declared Sable their mate at a North Pack meeting, the Elders suggested we all travel to the remote cabin used for mating rituals and give her wolf time to choose between us. Those early days feel like a dream now. So much has happened since then. The five of us have lived entire lifetimes together in only a matter of a few months.

And looking back now, I’m really glad her wolf decided to choose all of us instead. It wasn’t the life I thought I wanted, but it turned out to be exactly the life I need.

Sable’s sitting on the old, worn couch with her knees tucked beneath her. She stares at me in shock, like she didn’t actually believe this would work. “Holy crap. Is it really you?”

I swoop down to pluck her up off the couch and twirl her around before setting her on her feet and kissing her thoroughly. When I pull away, I cup her face in my hands and grin like a lunatic. “You did it. I knew you could do it.”

I kiss her again, then step away to look around the room. I can tell it isn’t exactly like the mating cabin—there are small details she replaced with other, easier things. But the place looks and feels solid, and my body feels substantial here, even though it isn’t really my body at all.

Turning back around to face her, I grin widely. “We should go back and try again with the others. See if you can get us all here.”

“But I’m not even sure what I did differently—”

“I know,” I cut in, excitement racing through me. “It was me. When I felt you, I had to let you take me. I think maybe you’re just not quite strong enough to pull one of us with you if we aren’t willing to go. If we aren’t actively supporting the attempt. With practice, I think you’ll be able to do it without our help.”

She returns us both to our bodies in the backyard, and we waste no time leaping up to race into the house. Dare, Trystan, and Ridge are sitting around the coffee table in the living room with battle plans spread across the surface as they hash out details for the upcoming fight.

I let Sable deliver the news of her success, grinning as she adds, “And now we want to test to see if I can carry all of you in with me.”

We join them around the coffee table, settling in close together. I explain what they’ll feel when she reaches for them, and how they need to basically let go of their physical forms and give themselves over to her essence. Then Sable closes her eyes and dives into the astral realm. A moment later, she tugs me after her.

The process is easier this time, and I’m not sure if it’s because I know what to expect and am better prepared to help her, or if she’s already growing more skilled at this. Either way, the fact that we repeated it is a good sign. It means it definitely wasn’t a one-time fluke.

I sit beside her on the couch in the pseudo mating cabin. Worry darkens her eyes, and I rest a hand on her knee, turning a little to face her.

“You can do this,” I tell her, well aware that I’ve repeated that phrase a dozen times since we started this mission. But I’ve meant it every single time. “Concentrate. They know what to do, and they’re ready for you. Bring the rest of our family here.”

Sable nods and wipes her palms on her pants, then closes her eyes.

One by one, she drags Dare, Trystan, and Ridge into the cabin until we’re all gathered together in the astral realm, brought here by the bond we share.

“Damn. This is fucking epic.” Trystan practically tips his head back and howls, excitement filling his voice. “We can rip Cleo apart.”

“Assuming I can do this again and take you somewhere I didn’t create,” Sable points out wryly.

“We’ll keep practicing,” I assure her. “Until you feel totally confident with it.”

“What I feel right now is tired,” she says with a wan smile. “Let’s go back. I need a break.”

I feel a subtle release in energy, and then I snap back into my consciousness on my living room floor.

Ridge lifts his hands and looks down at them, clearly impressed. “Mind-boggling. Well done, little wolf.”

A rose glow rises in her cheeks, and she shrugs. Then suddenly, her voice echoes in my head. I can’t believe that actually worked.

I jerk, surprised. The other three alphas each react the same way, their gazes snapping to Sable.