“I told her about the blonde.” Michaela juts out a hip and crosses her arms over her chest. “The one you’re with all the damn time.”

People are stopping to stare as they wander into the coffee shop and if things keep escalating it’s only a matter of time before someone does call the cops.

“Blonde?” My head spins.

“Yes. Blonde. With a kid.” Michaela snaps at me, giving me another few jabs of her tiny fist. “I see you. My apartment is over there—"

“Stop that, it’s annoying.” I block her next shot. It’s not helping us get whatever this bullshit situation is under control. “You hit me again, and I’m going to tan that little ass of yours as soon as we get home.”

“I’m not going home! I’m leaving. You can have your life with her. I was just a little kinky fantasy. You got what you wanted from me, took from me I should say.” When her voice cracks, so does my heart.

“I’ve seen you with her since I moved in. My apartment is on Main Street. I’ve seen you guys, like, a dozen times together. So, when my friend told me what happened last night with you, she needed to know. Cheating ass—” Michaela stops on that last word when I cock my head to the side and give her a death stare.

“Both of you. Take a fucking breath.” I look at Brinna, whose eyes are searching my face. I can see in them, my little girl. Scared and wishing whatever is happening would be over, and I’m about to give that to her.

“Is it true? Are you with her, the blonde?” Brinna’s voice is tinged with sadness and hope.

“No.” I shake my head, darting my eyes from Michaela’s doubting face to Brinna’s. “Fuck no. I mean, yes I’ve been with her, but no not like that.”

I let Brinna’s hand and arm go, reaching up to cup her wet cheeks in my hands.

“Then who is she?”

I sigh, this is not how I wanted this to go. In my heart, I never wanted Brinna to know about my issues. The fact that when I met her four years ago, I probably couldn’t have completed a second-grade math test. That it’s taken me this long to regain the parts of me I lost on that street in Kabul. And not just my cognitive skills.

“She’s my accountant.” I manage, then on a deep breath I add, “And my tutor.”

The looks of confusion on both the girls’ faces tell me at least they heard what I said and the tension seems to dissipate for a moment.

“Tutor?” Michaela repeats, squinting one eye. “I bet, she tutors you.”

I shoot a glare at Michaela and she flips me off. Brinna’s eyes scan my face as my thumbs move slowly over her cheeks, wiping away the last of the tears there.

“Babygirl.” I shake my head, then bend hers forward and set a kiss on her forehead. “I would never, in a thousand lifetimes, hurt you. Cheat on you. Fuck, I told you, since the first time I looked at you, I’ve never thought of anyone else. The very idea that I’d be seeing anyone else is crazy. You are it for me.”

I adjust her head, so her eyes are on mine. The thought of how they reminded me of sunflowers that first day tightens my chest. So sweet. So innocent. Looking up at me now, desperate for me to make it all better. And I will.

“So you and the blonde lady—” She swallows hard. “And the kid.”

“She’s helped me since I got back from deployment. She was Emily’s accountant. That fucking bomb blast, it not only left the physical damage, but it fucked up my head too. I didn’t want you to know. I wanted to be the man you deserved. It’s taken me all these years to relearn stuff that the concussion took away. She’s the one that has taken care of the finances, invested our money, helped me figure out a business of my own so I can take care of you. Of us.”

“But we have money. A house. Everything we need.”

“No. That’s not me. Lamb.” I inhale her deeply through my nose, closing my eyes and trying to find the words so she will understand. “A real man takes care of what’s his. I need you to know I can provide for us and not just rely on what Emily left. I need you to be proud of me, too.”

The last sentence hits home. I see a flash of surprise cast over Brinna’s face as the truth of that statement settles in me as well.

“I am proud of you. You could have told me. I could have helped you all along. I love you, Daddy,” she whispers that last word and the burning in my eyes returns.

“And I fucking love you, Lamb. Forever. This was all just a misunderstanding. And my stupid pride. But baby, you could have just asked me. Did I not tell you I wanted to know everything? I wanted all of you? And yes, that includes any insecurities. Any questions about me. Communicate everything to me, my sweet girl. I want it all. If you think it, feel it, give it to me. Anytime of the day or night.”

The wind picks up and swirls her hair around our faces. That scent of her that seeps into my soul drives my need for her to its limits.

“So, what? All is well? Life is good? No one is running away, no one is cheating? You two want to give me something to work with here?” Michaela chimes in, and I draw back slightly from Brinna.

“All’s well.” My girl directs the words towards her friend. “No more running away.”

I clear my throat and look down at her. “That’s right. New rule.” I nod and swallow before finishing. “No running away. Ever. Got it?”