“Baby. An hour ago, I didn’t think anything in this world would make me happier. Three days ago, I married the love of my life, five years to the day since we met. Then I spent those three days fucking her until she could barely walk. How could I have been any happier?” I look at the ceiling and take her hands in mine. “Only one way. My babygirl giving me a baby. A miracle baby.”

I don’t fight the burning in my eyes. I let the tears flow, and we fall into each other. Tears and laughter mingle together throughout the night, and I say a silent prayer to the powers that be for everything I thought I would never have.

Everything I never believed could be true. And it all started with three simple words. One year ago. On my birthday.

Kiss me goodnight.

Epilogue One and a Half



“Are they asleep?” Brinna stands by the black window, looking at the flurry of white fluff falling from the sky.

“Yup.” I still get that giddy feeling in my gut every time I look at her.

Tonight I’d swear she’s more beautiful than any other time I’ve looked at her. But, I think that same thing nearly every day.

“You spoil them.” My wife smiles with playful disapproval in her eyes. “Five-year olds do not need—”

“It’s not about need.” I cut her off, coming over to kiss the rest of the words from her lips.

“You’re impossible.” She whispers into our kiss. “Christmas isn’t just about the presents. I don’t want them to grow up expecting things to equal love.”

“Lamb.” I pinch her chin with one hand, running my other down the silken sheen of her hair. I let it glide down her back, finally settling on her ass. Then the urge takes me and I pull it back before laying a nice slap there, delighting at the yelp from her mouth as her eyes go wide, staring deep into mine. “Our girls know what love is. They see it every day. Feel it in every minute we’re all together. The gifts,” I jerk my head toward the Christmas tree, underneath which the floor is covered for six feet around with red and green paper and silver bows. “Those are for me.” I chuckle. “I’m the one that gets the joy out of watching all my girls open those presents. So, do you think since I’m the one that likes giving the gifts I don’t know the difference between things and love?”

“No.” She cracks a crooked smile and I squeeze her ass in one hand, pressing my thumb to her lips until she sucks it into her mouth and my cock twitches.

“Good girl.” I pulse my thumb in and out of her mouth, feeling my erection grow as her tongue circles my digit and the warm wet circle of her lips tightens. “God, how I love you.”

She smiles and softly bites down as I tip my head and give her a warning glance. “Careful there, babygirl.”

She releases my thumb and I give her another swat on the ass, just because it’s one of my favorite things to do.

“So.” She starts looking back out the window. “Are you ready?”

“I’m ready.” I reply, seeing the twinkle in her eyes.

“Not as ready as me.” She teases, ducking under my arm and heading toward the kitchen and the patio doors that lead to the back yard.

I spin on my heel to follow her, watching as she pulls the gauzy white dress over her head, listening to her yelps and giggles as she does.

My hands tear at the buttons on my shirt, shedding it as I try to catch up. “You better wait for me.” I shout as her naked ass disappears around the corner of the island in the kitchen.

I trip and nearly fall as I try to kick off my boots and undo my belt. While hopping on one foot, I finally manage to tug the boot off one, then grab the other and toss it away, shoving my pants down as I follow the sounds of her laughter.

When I find her, she’s pulling the French doors at the back of the house wide open, and a gush of cold air raises goosebumps on my skin.

“Stop.” I order, and she turns with a smile but halts at the open door. “We go together.”

“I know, Daddy. I was just playing.”

Her body is fuller and womanly now, and if her thumb in my mouth didn’t make me hard then the sight of her standing by the open door, stark naked with the snow drifting in around her, has certainly finished the job.

I step forward and reach down to grab her hand as we stand in the open doorway, wearing not a stitch of clothing, the snow whipping up a small white tornado outside on the patio.

“There’s enough for good ones.” I add, looking at the ten or so inches of snow covering the ground.