I reach around, grabbing a tit in each hand and twirling her nipples while I kiss her between her shoulders. Her noises turn. There are alternating whimpers that indicate pain, and I’m not surprised. There is no fucking doubt in my mind that my dick has never been this hard. I know I’m thicker and longer than I’ve ever been and even in the past I was a lot to take.

For my sweet fresh girl, I know she has to be hurting.

“Shhhhh, slow down. Daddy’s right here. We have all the time in the world,” I assure her and try to slow her frantic pace.

“It feels so good.” It sounds like she’s about to cry and I release the weight of her amazing tits and run my hands lovingly down her back until they rest on the ample sides of her hips.

“It does. I know.” I hold her steady, freezing our movements, and look down to see my length buried inside her. The way her body spreads around my girth looks obscene. Something inside of her is magic because even as I hold us together, unmoving inside of her, she’s still stroking me off.

I reach one hand around to caress her pussy while I slowly draw back and slip gently in and then out of her. The tight grip she’s got on my cock barely releases, and I have to fight to get myself moving just those few inches.

“Relax, baby. What’s wrong?” I sense a shift in her. The way she keeps tightening her muscles from inside and there’s a different energy in the air.

“I don’t know.” Her words crack, and I look down to see a tear squeeze out from the corner of her eye and traverse down her nose until she licks it off her top lip. “I’m so happy and so sad. I have just wanted this for so long, and now, all I can think of is what if this is just—” More tears and I feel like my heart is shattering in a million pieces.

“Baby, please don’t cry.” I manage. “Just what? Tell me...”

“What if this is just one time. What if you don’t really want me. Like all of me, all the time. What if you change—”

I cut her off with a harsh slap on her ass, and she draws a sharp breath. I’m putting an end to that sort of bullshit thinking right here and now. My girl will know better than to ever doubt me. I will earn that over time, but it starts right now.

“Did you not fucking listen to everything I’ve said to you tonight?” The tears stop for the moment on the shock of the slap, and I would do anything to never see her cry again. “This is not a one-time thing. You and me? We are us, now and forever. That’s the only way, Lamb. The only way. Now stop, I need you to cum on my cock a few more times. That’s what I need, and your job is to give it to me.”

I bring my hand up from her dripping snatch and center a finger on her back entrance again while I start to fuck the cry out of her. That snaps her back in line and as her ass shifts back onto me. I slip the single digit into her asshole.

She lets out a yelp and flings her head to the other side, then back again. Shimmering hair flies in the air and coils in a mess around her face and on the bed. Sounds I’ve never heard come out of my little girl, and she turns pure animal.

We are both nearly out of control, beating back and forth on each other. The head of my dick bottoms out inside her and instead of slowing down I speed up and Brinna follows each of my movements instep.

Instinct takes over, and I lay another hard slap on her ass, then watch the red handprint rise. The sight of my mark there only throws me into more of a frenzy.

“Daddy.” She chokes out as her pussy locks down and a gush of her juice coats my cock. She’s howling when I press a second finger inside of her, and one orgasm can’t be separated from the next.

“Say it again,” I demand.

“Daddy. My Daddy.”

A fury rises in me, and I slap her flesh again as I thrust into her, going as deep and as hard as humanly possible. Just as I feel her body start to melt and give out under me, I let myself go.

“My good girl,” I grit out as my orgasm blinds me.

I think I cum more than I have in a lifetime. It seems never-ending, and I say a silent prayer, wishing it never will.

Nothing has ever felt like this. Nothing before could compare to what we are doing here. Maybe I’ve had sex before, but this isn’t sex. This is a bonding. Beyond lovemaking, beyond anything physical.

As I come, I roar and shake, delivering directly into her body everything I’ve been saving just for her. My heart, my soul, my purpose in life.

They all belong to her now.

Chapter Five


LAYING HERE, WATCHING Ace breathe, I can’t remember ever being so happy. We made love through the night. He was insatiable. Much to my surprise, so was I.

Even in my dreams, I wanted him inside me. I’d slip into a moment of slumber, wrapped tightly in his arms, only to wake with his voice in my ear and his manhood sliding back into my drenched sex.

The sheets are ruined. They will have to be burned, I think. I’d heard about female ejaculation and the whole squirting thing, but honestly, I figured it was just a bunch of bunk.