He saw the stress building up inside her, the tears threatening to spill.

“I can take care of you.”

“I don’t know you, and I don’t … I don’t go off with strange men, okay?”

Damian couldn’t let her leave. Taking hold of her hand, he started to move down the street. “Take me to your apartment and we’ll talk there.”

“Wait, this is crazy, and insane. You don’t know me, and you can’t help me.”

“I’ve got more money than I will ever need. Believe me I can help you more than you can help me. I promise you. I give you my vow that I will never hurt you. You’re safe with me.”

“You keep saying that.”

“Do you believe it?”

She sighed. “I think so.”

“Then trust me, and believe that you’re going to be okay.” She had no idea that he wouldn’t ever be able to hurt her. All he wanted to do was help her. He saw her reaction to Ivan, and knew something wasn’t quite right, but he also knew she wouldn’t trust him not right now. Time that was all he needed. “All I want to do is help.”

“No one ever want to help me.”

“I’m not a monster, okay? Let’s go and get Reese, and leave.”

“Why leave?” she asked.

“Because I’ve got a feeling if Ivan wants you, he’ll come and find you, and I want to have a chat with you in privacy.”

“Oh, okay.” She nodded, and then he started to follow her as they made their way across a dark street. They passed through a playground to find a bunch of kids shooting up, and he didn’t like it. The entire town was like a poison that Ivan had personally

created. The Dentons had come up against him before, years ago, and it had ended with Ivan knowing that he didn’t step on their shit.

Damian had one hand on his gun just in case, and when they got to a rundown apartment block, he felt rage.

“Ivan lets you live in this shit.”

“The less I have to do with Ivan the better.” She ran up three flights of stairs, and moved down a long corridor. The stench of piss was overwhelming, and the filth was caked into the floor. Fucking disgusting.

It had been a long time since Damian had been sickened by a place of actual living. He’d spent so much time around luxury that he didn’t even know what real trouble or hard living was.

Mia knocked on the door and waited. Seconds passed and finally the door opened, revealing an elderly lady.

“Mia.” On her hip was a baby boy.

“Hey, Mary. I’m here to take him.”

“Is everything okay?” Mary asked.

“Everything is fine. Honestly, couldn’t be better.” Mia reached out, holding Reese close to her body, and taking the bag that was by the door. She kissed Mary’s cheek. “Talk to you soon.”

With that, they were already heading out. Damian didn’t have a car, but for him, he didn’t need one. Once they were settled in a late-night diner, he was going to put a call through to his brother to come and pick him up.

This was not how he intended his fucking night to go. He wanted to go out in violence as it was the only world he’d ever known. His family were tired of him moping around, feeling sorry for himself. He didn’t care what they thought, only what he’d known.

No matter what anyone said, he had killed Betty. This curse, being able to know which woman was yours, had killed her because no matter how much he stared at her, his feelings hadn’t changed.

The instant he had stared at Mia, he’d known. Everything had faded away, and all that remained was her, with her beautiful blonde hair, which cascaded all around her in ringlets, shocking blue eyes that held an ocean of pain, and also something fierce. She was a fighter.
