“Yes, indeed.” Maddox turned from the window, and looked at the room. Dam

ian stood beside Gabriel and all of his brothers as his father stared at them. Stuart was there also, as was Rick.

Ever since Maddox and the others had gotten out of jail, Rick had been taking weekends back in England to be with his woman, and then during the day, coming back to help resolve the matter that had nearly torn the entire family apart.

“What happened was entirely my fault,” Maddox said. “I nearly brought this family to its knees for slaughter, execution style.” He looked toward Gabriel. “I never for a second thought I would have another son, and your arrival shocked me more than I ever for a second thought possible. My mistake years ago nearly cost me everything.”

Damian held his hand up. “I want to apologize as well.” He looked toward Gabriel. “I was a total asshole about you. I treated you like shit, and that is not acceptable. I’m sorry, my brother, and I hope one day you could forgive me.” He looked toward Owen and Wyatt. “I extend that apology to you two as well. I was a total asshole, and I’m sorry.”

He shook each of their hands, and embraced them in a hug. Before Maddox could continue there was more apologies to be had. Damian stood back and nodded at his father. In the past couple of months, since being with Mia, he’d been able to find a clear head in all of the mess. For the longest time it felt like he had been asleep and he was finally waking up from a very deep sleep where he was just existing.

His relationship has also progressed from that first encounter in Ivan Smith’s shitty club. He had fallen completely in love with her, and that was no hardship.

In the past couple of months their relationship had changed, developed, and gotten stronger. She shared his bed, and every single morning he woke up with her snuggled against him.

Their babies were also flourishing, growing stronger every single day. His mother had taken them for him tonight as he wanted some time alone with her where they weren’t trying to keep their voices down, which of course always ended up with them giggling.

Mia was a strong woman. She was his entire world, and he was hers. He wondered if his brothers felt like they had only been existing until their woman came alone. Everything was so much brighter, filled with more happiness than he could ever imagine. Just waking up and seeing her beautiful face smile up at him was worth everything else.

“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way,” Maddox said. “I am proud to call you my son, Gabriel. With that in mind, and the latest shit-storm, I’m stepping down.”

“No, you’re not,” Jacob said. “You did nothing wrong. We took our eye off the ball, and we fucked up, but you’re not stepping down. No one else is taking your place. We’ve already talked about that.”

“You’re not going anywhere, old man,” Gideon said.

“No, you’re not,” Charlotte said, opening the door, and coming into the office with Tamsin behind her.

His little sister threw herself onto the sofa, and crossed her arms. Her bratty ways were really starting to wear thin.

“We’re a family and we have all been acting like enemies. I played my part in this, and I am sorry.” Charlotte placed her hand on Maddox’s shoulder. “I am with him every step of the way, and Gabriel, Owen, and Wyatt, also Emma as well, you’re all welcome at my home, at my table any time. Never allow anyone to take advantage of us being weak. We will be strong, and united.”

Damian saw his father was emotional as he pulled Charlotte against him. He saw the two communicating without even speaking words, and then kissed.

“Fucking ace, now I’m going to get back to locating Westbrook,” Rick said.

“You’re not going to head home?” Maddox asked.

“Nope. Fucker took advantage of my family, and he did it to spite me. Consider him my number one priority, and then I’ll go home.”

Damian was still smiling as he entered his home with the scents of onion and garlic heady in the air. Closing the door, he counted to three and wasn’t disappointed when Mia ran down the long hallway and threw herself into his arms. She wore a long dress that hugged every single one of her curves.

Pressing her up against the wall, he sank his fingers into her hair, and ravished her mouth as she held onto him. “Fuck, I missed you,” he said.

“I missed you even more. Where have you been?”

“Family meeting. It took longer than I thought it would.”

“Lou picked up the kids and dropped them off. She was also letting Charlotte babysit for her so that she and Jacob could have a few hours alone with each other.”

“It would seem we’re all used to using our parents to get what we want.” He bit her lip, and then kissed her deeply.

“Someone used that cell phone today.”

Damian tensed up. He was aware of the cell phone Rick had given Mia to call him on.

“Your cell phone?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No, that was what freaked me out. It was on the cell phone that Rick had given me. After I heard the first breath over the phone, I turned it off, and left it. I’ve already called Rick, and he told me to wait to tell you. None of you keep anything from the other, do you?”