“I’m not no one’s problem. I wanted a fucking drink, so why didn’t you give me a fucking drink!” Someone yelled, and the next moment he stumbled in. “Well, if it isn’t old fuck-face, Ivan Smith. I thought you were dead.”

“And I never thought I’d see the day that a Denton came to my part of town.”

The Denton man burst out laughing. “Decided I was in the mood to pick a fucking fight, and guess what? You were the first one I thought of.”

She watched as Ivan stood up, clicking his knuckles. “What did he do?”

“He’s upset a few of our customers. Brandy is taking care of them, but it’s going to cost us a pretty penny to deal with that. He’s smashed Rick’s face into the counter, and a couple of our boys are struggling.”

“Why couldn’t you pick another day? I was dealing with my lady,” Ivan said, pointing to her.

Denton turned toward her, and his brown eyes cut her right to the bone. She recognized the pain in his eyes, and then it was like something changed in his gaze. He stared at her, and the pain seemed to lessen a little. His brow creased as he looked at her, and she kept her hands clenched at her sides, not wanting to talk to anyone associated with Ivan.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Denton said. He got to his feet and stepped toward her.

Alarmed by his sudden change, she took a step back. The last person she wanted to ask for help from was Ivan. The only person she could trust was herself.

“Damian, she’s mine,” Ivan said. “Mia, go downstairs, and bring Reese back here at three o’clock. I’m done playing games.”

Suddenly Damian gripped her arms, holding her in place, and stopping her from moving. She tensed up as he kept on staring at her.

“This is beyond fucking funny.”

“Let go of me. You’re hurting me,” she said.

He didn’t release her, but he did ease up his hold so that he was no longer hurting her. She didn’t know where to look as he kept on holding her.

“This girl is not yours,” Damian said.

“I don’t know you.” She tried to pull out of his hands, but he wouldn’t let her go.

“Damian, I mean it. I don’t want to go to war with you over this. That’s the mother of my kid, so fucking move.”

She glanced toward Ivan and couldn’t help the disgust she felt for him from showing. Damian smirked.

“No, this woman doesn’t belong to you. Never has.” It was like he had stopped being drunk and woken up finally. “She’s coming with me, and whatever kid she has.” He turned toward the room. “And you’re going to let her go.”

No one had ever spoken to Ivan like that and gotten away with it. She had heard the rumors that he had torn a man apart for disrespecting him. This guy who held her had a death wish. When Ivan and his men made to move forward, Damian held a gun straight at Ivan’s head. “I will blow your fucking brains out, do you understand me? Remember who the fuck I am.”

Much to her surprise Ivan held his hands out in surrender, and suddenly she was being pulled away from one monster to another.

Chapter Two

Of all the things to fucking find, Damian didn’t expect to find his woman. The moment he had looked at this stranger, he had known. Everything else had faded away, and all that he could see was her. It was exactly like his brothers had described and so much more. He was so fucking angry right now that as he pulled her along, he was shoving people out of his way.

He’d come to Ivan’s pathetic town with the intention of having a fight to the death. That was what he wanted, to go out fighting, but fate or whoever was in charge up there had changed his path, and now he was heading outside, taking this woman with him.

“Can you slow down please? I really needed to talk to Ivan. I don’t know who you are.”

The moment they were clear of the nightclub, he shoved her against the wall. “Is Ivan your pimp?”

“What? No?”

“He said that you belonged to him.” Damian had seen the pain in her eyes, the disgust on her face. The last thing this woman felt for Ivan was love or even respect. She hated him, and she was also afraid of him. “You’re the mother of his kid.”

“Yes, I am. I don’t know who you are, but I’m not important to Ivan. I just … I needed his help to just to tell everyone to back off.”

Damian frowned. He wasn’t as drunk as he’d pretended to be. Since telling his father to fuck off three nights ago, he’d been drinking morning, noon, and night. However, this morning when he woke up he’d not wanted to go to the bottle. Instead, he’d taken a shower, had a shave, freshened up, gotten some food, and then decided to come to Ivan’s. Now he was freaked the fuck out, and he’d actually used the Denton name to remind Ivan of who he was messing with.