Does the fact that he’s let the position go mean what I think it does? Was he willing to give up the job to save our budding relationship? To give us a fair shot?
In my mind, at the end of the day, I don’t care anything about getting the promotion if it takes him from me. But I have to know. I want to know what he was thinking, what his thought process was. As we break the kiss, he stamps another on my lips before he sets me away from him, like he can’t think straight if he’s touching me. Same, buddy. Same. We both take deep breaths, chests rising and falling rapidly.
He rasps, “Why’d you do that, Piper?”
My brows raise. “I could ask the same of you.”
He studies my features as if I’m precious to him. His throat works visibly to swallow. “You want that position, Piper. You’ve worked hard for it. I wanted you to have it. You’re the kind of department head we need right now. You’ll do an amazing job, and I didn’t feel it was right to stand in your way any longer. What were you thinking giving it up?”
My eyes fill with tears, and I imagine they glitter with all the emotion I feel for him. “I wanted you to have it. You deserve it. You need it. And more than anything, I wanted to make sure you were able to help Elena get to college. You both deserve to make that a reality, especially after everything you’ve done to help raise her. You are absolutely selfless when it comes to caring for your family.” I step toward him. “Not everyone would step up like you did, or like you’ve continued to do for all of them. I’ve watched how you are with Elena in particular, and I know how she feels about you. You’re her knight in shining armor. Her champion. Her defender.
Her father figure.” I wet my lips. “I hate that you lost your father way too soon, and it’s true I didn’t know him, but I bet your dad would be so damn proud of you, Damon.” My voice hitches, chin wobbling. “I just know he would be.” I fight not to cry.
He looks troubled, as if he doesn’t know what to do with any of this.
I worry my lip again as I stare into his eyes. “You gave up everything you’d been working toward … for me? I don’t understand. In the end, for me, it’s just a job. No matter how hard I’ve worked for it. To you, it’s more.”
He reaches for me, and I step right into his arms, burrowing my head under his chin. My heart beats rapidly, and he swallows hard and whispers next to my ear. “Piper, don’t you see? I’d do anything to make you happy.” He places a kiss on top of my head and inhales deeply.
The enormity of this moment slams into me. Is he saying what I think he’s saying?
“I would do the same for you, Damon.” I blow out a heavy breath. “So, what do we tell them?”
“I think we accept their plan for us to share the position. We can figure the rest out as we go.”
I nod, slowly at first, then with more conviction. “Okay. We’ll do it together?”
“I think we work well together, don’t you?” He wriggles his brows at me, making me laugh.
“We are good at more than just the job. I’m looking forward to doing a thorough investigation, Professor Moriarty.”
“There’s my naughty Sherlock.”
“Am I yours?”
He takes my head between his hands. “I’m nervous as hell that you’re not ready to hear this from me.”
Our gazes lock, my eyes still wet. “I’m ready for whatever you have to say. We may as well put everything out there, don’t you think?”
He clears his throat. “Okay, then.” He takes a calming breath. “Yes, you’re mine, just as I’m irrevocably yours. It’s an undeniable truth that I can see now, plain as day.” He pauses to check my reaction, and I try to play it cool, but I think my lip is trembling. “Piper, somewhere along our journey I’ve fallen in love with you.” He stops for a few seconds to let those words sink in and my trembling, traitorous lips part involuntarily.
I didn’t think we were here yet. I mean, I feel it too, but I didn’t know we were ready for the full-out I love yous—except, holy shit. I am. I know I am. I want to lean in and kiss him speechless, but it seems he really does have more to say.
“I fell for different parts of you, separately at first, and I was so torn thinking I was in love with two women. Thank fuck you were Sherlock4Love because now I love every piece of you. I love the playful arguments, the way you go after what you want, your intelligence and wit, and your Sherlock-loving heart. You made me fall for you twice, and I can’t imagine a better sign than that. You and me? I think we were always going to find our way to each other.”
A tear escapes my welling eyes, and he wipes it away with a sweep of his thumb. “What’s that favorite Sherlock quote of yours?”
I frown, searching my mind for conversations I’d had with Prof.M., trying to figure out just what he’s referring to. “You mean the one about how when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? That’s not the exact quote, but that’s the sentiment.”
He smiles. “At first, I kept thinking about how we seemed like an impossible match. I couldn’t wrap my head around why I kept thinking about you the way I did. And then I held you, kissed you, and I never would have thought it, but as improbable as we seem with all of our arguing, there is truth between us. There is understanding. And there is love. At least, I think so.”
I can’t hold it in any longer. “Damon, I love you.”
“You do?” He grins and pulls me against his chest.
I nod, soaking in this moment. “I do love you. Especially when we argue, so don’t stop doing that. It’s actually kind of hot.”
“Well, then let’s hurry and tell Mrs. Smith and Jake our decision, so I can get you the hell home and argue with you some more. I want to argue with you every day and burn for you every night.”