Quinn points a finger at me. “Nope. Don’t even try to deny that one. I think Hadleigh is spot on.”
“I won’t deny it. He was amazing last night. He is amazing.”
“Piper, what’s this?” Zoey picks up the top paper on my stack of mail.
“I hadn’t looked yet. I’ve been in a bit of a daze. Why? What does it say?”
“It looks like you’ve been called into a meeting tomorrow afternoon with Principal Smith.”
My eyes widen. “I wonder what that’s all about.”
“Well, surely, it’s the decision on the department chair position, right?”
I give a swift shake to my head. “It can’t be.”
Chapter 32
This day has gone on forever. I can’t wait to pull Piper into my arms and do all the absolutel
y inappropriate things to her that I’ve been thinking of all day. But first, I want to take her home with me—as in home to my family. Because, yes, I’m that sure.
“You really want me to meet the rest of your family?” She takes my hand when I offer it as we walk to our vehicles.
I give a firm nod. “Yes. I absolutely do.”
“It’s not too soon?” Her face is full of anxious hope as she gazes up at me.
If Elena is any indication, the minute she meets the rest of my family, they will love her. Elena had been so mad at me the other day when I’d just assumed Piper had to be fucking with me on Tryst. I’ll never forget the look on Elena’s face when she came to Piper’s defense. She’d been angry and insistent that Ms. Mathison is not a liar. That she’s a good person—the best kind of person. I suck in a breath. Piper’s the kind I want to grab onto and never let go of. I’m pretty sure my whole family will be excited for both of us.
We take both vehicles back to Piper’s complex first. She dashes into her apartment and comes out with an overnight bag and climbs eagerly into my Pathfinder. We’d decided earlier that after we’ve had dinner with my family, she’ll come back to my place. I take her hand as we drive back across town to my family’s home. Now that I have her, I find I don’t want to be without her touch, not for a damn minute.
At the door, I stop, turning her to face me. I don’t want to go in there without making it very clear to her just why I asked her to come with me.
Our gazes connect.
“You’re freaking me out. Is something wrong?”
“Not at all.” I want her to look at me, to really see me, to really hear what I’m saying. I lift a hand to her cheek, caressing her skin with my thumb. “I need to say this to you, and I want to do it before we go in and you’re immediately surrounded by my family.”
She wrinkles her nose. “So, should I assume your other sisters are somewhat like Elena? Your mother, too?”
I chuckle. “Yep. They’re going to be all over you the second we walk in there, and I doubt I’ll have another chance to say this.” I pause. “And it’s really something I feel like you need to hear.”
“Oh. Okay. Go ahead then, Professor. No secrets between us.”
I wince, knowing I am keeping something from her. Shoving that to the back of my mind, I take both of her hands. “What you said to me? About my dad being proud of what I’ve done for my family? I”—I glance down where our hands are joined—“don’t bring women home to see this part of my world unless I’m absolutely sure of them. I want to make sure you understand I don’t have any further questions as to what we are to each other.” I gaze into her eyes. “And I hope bringing you here today drives that home for you.”
She worries her lip and looks off to the side for a second before returning her gaze to mine. “You understand that not having you meet my parents yet doesn’t mean anything about how I feel about you, right?”
“You have a very different relationship with them than I have with my family. It’s okay.” I lean in and kiss her. My initial intention is just to reassure her, but then, as is quickly becoming our habit, lips crush, teeth nip, and tongues stroke until we are in full-on make-out mode on the front steps of my family’s home. I can’t get enough of her. I will never get enough.
“Well, well, well. I see I was right.” Esme grins broadly at us from the open doorway before shouting over her shoulder. “Bella! We were totally right!”
Piper hides her face against my chest for a second, and from the way her shoulders are shaking, I think she’s trying to smother her laughter. She pulls away from me and grins. “Come on, Damon. Let’s see what else lies in store for us here.” She grabs my hand and walks right through the door, addressing my sister. “You must be Esme.”
She nods. “That’s me.” From the far side of the house, Arabella barrels down the stairs, Elena hot on her heels. Esme points over her shoulder. “And that’s Arabella, and you know Elena.”