“I had a heart attack moment when I thought Jon was the killer—and it occurred to me during a scene where they were having sex. I almost died.” Hadleigh’s eyes are wide as she takes a sip of her wine.

“I’m glad you guys liked it.” I smile carefully, then zone out as they continue to chatter away.


“She’s totally not paying attention.”

“Earth to Piper.”

With a start, I jerk my head over toward the voices. Oh, man. I’ve been off in la-la land. I grit my teeth together, looking at the curious faces of my friends. “Um. Sorry. What did you say?”

Quinn tilts her head to the side. “Well, first, I asked if you wanted more wine but you didn’t answer. That’s when everyone started calling your name.”

“Where’d you go? Daydreaming?” Zoey frowns, her eyes roaming over my face as if she’s scanning it for clues.

“Ooh, was it a sexy daydream about a hybrid Damon and Professor Moriarty character?” Hadleigh wiggles her eyebrows at me. “That’d be hot. Like everything you want in a man all rolled into one.”

My heart rate kicks up, sending color up my neck and over my cheeks. I slap my hands to my face, which is now decidedly hot. “Oh my God, stop.” My eyes flick over their faces one by one. I don’t sense any judgment at all, just interest.

Sophia’s eyes widen. “‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’” She grins and takes a sip of her wine. “That’s language you understand, right, Piper?”

I smile weakly at them “I’m really sorry, girls. I knew when you came over that my head was not in the best place tonight.”

Madison, who is sitting on a poufy pillow next to me, reaches out and runs a hand over my back. “What’s wrong?”

“A lot of things, actually.” I suck my lips into m

y mouth for a few seconds before nodding briefly and taking a sip of my wine. “I’m about ready to throw my hands up and just be done with trying for the department chair position. I’m no longer up for a battle of wits with Damon. I guess if I get the position, great. My parents will be off my back for a little while. If not, I’ll applaud Damon for his victory.”

“Do you really think he’d be the right choice? Over you?” Quinn questions.

I shrug. “I know you all see him as this newcomer who’s given me grief and aggravated me this whole damn year, but he’s really smart and he’s a good teacher. I could totally see him doing a fantastic job.”

More than one pair of brows go up.

“Truly. He’s confident, decisive, a born leader …”

Sophia blows out a breath. “But you’d do an amazing job, Piper. We know you know it, too. We know how badly you’ve wanted this. How long you’ve waited …”

Zoey’s voice is quiet. “It’d break my heart to see you give up on it.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know if I do want it anymore.” I heave out a shuddery breath before continuing. “Damon kissed me again yesterday.”


“Oh my God.”

“I knew it!”

“Oh, man.”

“Was it sexy hotness?”

I can’t even tell which exclamation burst from which mouth—except maybe that last one. I try to smile, but I can’t quite manage it. “But this time it was different. It was soft and sweet. Like he cares about me.” My face crumples. “I don’t know what to do about anything anymore. You know I’m meeting the guy from Tryst tomorrow, right?”

Hadleigh lifts a finger. “Uh, no. You didn’t say anything.”

I lick my lower lip. “Well, I am. In public, like you suggested. I’m hoping I can at least sort that all out if I know who he is and whether I actually like him.”