Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: Are you at all nervous?
Prof.M. to Sherlock4Love: I’m confident we’re a good match.
I refocus on the woman next to me, unable to stop myself from asking, “Piper, what makes you think I’ve been trying to humiliate you?”
Incredulous laughter erupts from her. “Every last thing you do is a ploy to mess with me, including yesterday.”
With a shrug, I clear my throat. “If you say so. It’s not true, but if you say so.” I
look back down as my phone vibrates in my hand again. I read and respond, choosing to lose myself in a conversation with a woman who doesn’t think I hate her.
Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: Have you ever wondered why you chose a username featuring a character that is the nemesis of mine?
Prof.M. to Sherlock4Love: Nah. It doesn’t matter. Moriarty and Sherlock were able to challenge each other mentally. I think that’s what we’ve been doing so far.
Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: And we’ll see if the other part follows?
Prof.M. to Sherlock4Love: I already told you I know it will. I can’t wait to see you this weekend. Hold you. Kiss you.
Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: After all this build up, you’d better do more than just politely kiss me. You’d better have your hands all over me.
Piper shifts in her seat next to me, and leans against the window, phone pulled in close near her chest. I wonder if she’s still talking to her parents. Doesn’t seem like it. There’s a hint of a smile on her lips. It makes her look absolutely lovely. With a sigh, I duck my head again and tap out another response to Sherlock4Love.
Prof.M. to Sherlock4Love: Who said I was going to be polite about it? I have every intention of ravaging your sweet lips. And I’ll touch you anywhere you want me to.
Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: …
Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: Promise?
Prof.M. to Sherlock4Love: There’s my naughty girl. Listen, I have to go—work stuff calls—but everything will be fine. You’ll see.
Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: Okay. Talk later.
I tuck my phone in my pocket, glad I was able to coax out a little of that sass that I love so much. She does seem a bit nervous about meeting me, but also excited. I’m hoping that when we see each other, everything will fall into place. Because the honest truth is if we don’t meet soon, I’m going to have to set the idea of a relationship with her behind. I didn’t start messing around on Tryst to find a chat friend. The whole idea behind it—why Arabella set up my account—was because I’d been alone for a long time. Alone and lonely are two very different things. Lonely is easy to cure—I’ve had zero problems finding women to warm my bed, but not one of them was someone I’d introduce to my family. And family is of the utmost importance to me. The women already in my life are my world. The older I get, the more difficult it is becoming to deny the fact that I want to settle down, find that certain someone who can be part of our world.
But which woman is the one?
I’ve got one woman who infuriates me on a daily basis and the fire between us has gone from campfire to inferno with just one kiss. I’ve got another woman whose real name I don’t even know, but I daydream about. I find myself constantly imagining what it would be like to be with someone physically when we have such a strong mental connection.
It’s a toss-up. I only hope I can determine which path is the right way to go and I don’t end up with my heart in tatters over it.
I’m ready. I don’t want to be alone anymore. But now I’m even more confused. Which one is the right woman for me?
Chapter 20
Hot, cocky jerk. All day long, he’s been on my last nerve. Everything has just grated on me, from students being super excited that he was able to make it at the last minute—ha!—to him sitting in the seat next to Jake at the theatre that I would have preferred, to Jake being completely pleased with the activity he’d brought for the kids to do on the way home. I wrinkle my nose as I recall Jake’s happy voice when he’d said, “Mr. Madero, excellent work. The kids love this.”
Okay. I admit it. Damon’s History Comes to Life through Song activity is pretty great. It centers around analysis of the poetic lyrics and has the students absolutely hooked. The best part is they’ve all got their earbuds in listening to the songs as they work, so apart from some occasional humming, it’s relatively quiet.
And the quiet allows my mind to drift. I close my eyes, and before I know it, I’m in Damon’s arms and he’s kissing me. The passionate encounter is all fire and lashing storm, heat and raging river—and I want it to go on and on. I shiver remembering how his rough hand had felt against my neck, how the other hand had fanned itself out right above my ass and drawn me to him … I’ve never felt such a powerful need surge through me in my entire life. Every second with him had seemed like hours, yet it was nowhere near long enough. I’d wanted more.
But he’s been taunting me. Teasing me. Preying on my emotions. I can’t have that. I’m going to have to redouble my efforts to stay the hell away from him and just do my best to make sure Jake sees I’d be a great department chair. I can’t afford to let him win. I’ll never live it down if I’m not chosen.
He’d decided to sit right beside me on the damn bus on the way home, too. I’ve got to get some advice. I really freaking wish Hadleigh could have ridden on this bus with me, but she and Sawyer are on the other one. I couldn’t exactly ask Sawyer to trade places with me.
I mean I guess I could have—and he’d have done it if I’d asked, I’m sure—but then I’d just look pathetic. I slick my tongue over my lower lip, peering at Damon out of the corner of my eye. He’s partially turned in his seat, involved in a discussion with one of the kids about his analysis of a particular song.