It’s now or never.
I march over to him, full of indignation and fire, ready to let him have it. When he sees me coming, he stops and turns to me, hands on his hips. Sweat drips down his chest in rivulets. My eyes follow the drops as they slide down the grooves in his muscled abs. Saliva pools in my mouth as I take in every inch of a very, very sweaty Damon. He’s pure sex on a stick—strong pecs, big shoulders, and I swear, his abs have abs of their own. Don’t get me started on the cut of that V going straight down inside the waistband of his shorts, pointing directly to the promised land. The holy grail. My mouth waters some more at the thought.
Oh my God. Please don’t let all the things I’ve been planning on saying to him get stuck in my throat. I swallow hard as I come to a stop right in front of him.
“Up here.”
At his words, my eyes flick from his abs to his eyes, and I scowl. At the same time, blood rushes to my face, turning it as red as his Muay Thai gloves. He totally caught me gawking.
Annoyingly enough, my eyes drop a second time, mesmerized as his pec muscles twitch, attracting my attention. My gaze slides down further, noticing for the first time that he has some sort of tattoo on his rib cage that looks kind of like birds flying, though I can’t quite tell, and I know I’ve already been staring too long. I don’t even like tattoos, but damn that’s so sexy. They kind of look like they are flying across his ribs, moving in sync with all of his muscles.
His deep voice cuts through my distracted musings. “Did you have something you wanted to say, or did you just come closer to check me out?”
My mouth opens and closes, astonished at his cocky attitude—yet not really. I had my tirade all planned in my head, but when he’s standing here in front of me, all glistening and magnificent like this, I can’t help but lose all train of logical thought. I sputter, “You, you—”
“Fine specimen? Muscular man? Sexy devil? Come on, Piper. Since when do words fail you? Come on. What do you have for me?” He holds his wrapped-up hands out and beckons me forward, like he might with someone he’s trying to taunt in a fight.
My eyes flare as I take in his smug yet smiling face, and my gaze traces over the upward tilt of his firm, masculine lips. I’m so angry I’m practically panting, and my hands clench at my sides, the nails digging little moon shapes into my palms.
He chuckles, the deep sound of it reverberating through his chest. It pisses me off worse than anything else.
I’m so mad now, I’m practically shaking with it. Rude. How dare he laugh at me? Finally, I find my voice. “You know what, I do have something to say to you. You know we had no intention of you being involved in that field trip tomorrow—that this was my turn to let Jake see what I’m capable of and instead, you’ve positioned yourself right in the middle of the action.” I throw up my hands, pissed off. “Do you think Jake won’t see that? That he won’t see through your little ploy?”
“I think Jake is well aware of what I bring to the table—or the field trip. You’ll have to wait and watch how the master works tomorrow.” He steps closer to me, invading my personal space. He slides his thumb across his lower lip, and grins as he notices my eyes following.
“What am I supposed to do, Piper, just sit back and let you have the position? Some of us don’t get everything handed to us. Some of us have to prove ourselves. Some of us don’t have the luxury of failing.”
Is he trying to say I’m spoiled? Entitled? Ugh! This man! I step forward, toe to toe with him. “I’ve worked for every goddamn thing I’ve gotten.” I reach out and jab my finger right into the sweat-slicked skin of his chest. “Don’t you dare try to insinuate that I’ve had everything given to me on a silver platter.” My voice raises. “It’s not true!”
In no more time than it takes my heart to beat, I scan every feature of his face, so close to mine. Why is it that he’s become so damned appealing to me? When the hell did that happen? And why? Oh my God, why me? Why now? I feel like I’m about to fly right off the handle. I’m. So. Angry. I’m vibrating with it. My blood boils under my skin as my heart pumps it through me, sending that heat everywhere.
Nose to nose with him, I stare into his dark eyes, trying not to show him just how off-balance he has me. He smirks, studying me. This asshole. I want to— I want to—
I don’t know who moved first, but seemingly all at once, our bodies crash together and our mouths find each other. Everything from the way his strong hand grips the back of my neck to how his lips move over mine, demanding and sure, all scream possession and passion so fiery it may well torch my panties and burn me up from the inside. I grip his biceps, and without understanding why, I claw at him, holding on for dear life. His tongue passes between my lips, and I match his ardor, stroke for feverish stroke. With every second we let this continue, I crave more and more of what he’s giving me. I want this. I need this. All my senses are lit up like the finale of a fireworks show. The kiss is brutal and intense and so very Damon. I have the fleeting thought that I may never recover from it.
I may never be the same again.
He tugs me against him and all I feel is rock-hard man. I have visions of him pushing me up against the wall behind us and having his way with me. I moan at the thought, right into his mouth. He nips at my lip with his teeth, and I yank his body more firmly against mine, my arms around his back now, my hands sliding down to squeeze his ass.
The worst part of all of this is I’m terrified I might like what he’s doing to me—and what I’m doing to him.
Frustrated with the direction of my thoughts, I push away from him, breathing hard, my chest rising and falling like I’ve just run a mile. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
His brows shoot up to his hairline. “Me?” His head jerks back like I’ve slapped him. “There were two of us involved in that just now. Two sets of lips, two tongues, two bodies.” His gaze slides down over me as I back further away from him. The pulsing in my core is a sure sign that he’s right, damn him.
My hand shakes as my fingers touch my lips. I blink twice, staring right into the intense depths of his sinful eyes.
“What’s the matter, Piper? Aren’t you woman enough to admit you liked that?”
And then? I turn and run.
I burst out of the building like it’s on fire. No, that’s just my lady parts.
Oh my God, I just stuck my tongue in Damon’s mouth. And his was in mine. I grabbed at his hard, sweaty arms and shoulders, and then his ass. I touched Damon’s ass. I rubbed my body against his like I’d never encountered anything that good in my entire life.