Me: It almost felt like he was jealous.

Zoey: You were both there to meet someone.

Hadleigh: I don’t get it, though. What happened?

Me: I got tired of feeling insulted and told him I didn’t know Prof.M. was such a dick and took off.

Madison: Oh, crap.

Me: But before I could get out the door, he called out to Sherlock.

Sophia: Oof.

Quinn: You can say that again.

Me: Yeah. He looked a little mad. Confused. Upset, maybe.

Me: I’m trying to convince myself he wasn’t disappointed, but I’m doing a poor job of it.

Zoey: Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry.

Hadleigh: :( :( I’m so upset for you.

Me: Thanks. I think I’m going to try to sleep off a headache. I didn’t want to leave you hanging.

There’s just one more thing I have to do before bed.

Sherlock4Love to Prof.M.: I wish things hadn’t happened like that. That wasn’t how I’d expected the night to go.

Chapter 26


I grimace as I look again at the message Sherlock4Love had sent me via Tryst. Or rather, Piper. I’m having a lot of trouble coming to terms with the idea that it’s been Piper talking dirty to me on the app all this time. It was Piper who told me she wanted to lick me all over, who’d said I make her wet with just my words, who wanted to have my hands all over her. Christ, she’d even said she wanted to suck my dick—with the disclaimer that we’d have to meet so she could be sure she actually liked me, of course. Of course. And now, knowing all of those dirty fantasies had come straight from the genius mind of Piper Mathison? Holy fuck.

And … lift off. Great. Now I’m sitting at brunch at my mother’s dining room table with my sisters and a semi while thinking about her pink lips on my cock. I blink hard and try to shake the thoughts from my head.

“Whoa. What the hell happened to you?” Arabella eyes me as she sits down at the dining room table.

Normally, I enjoy brunch with my family. When I made the mistake of telling Esme and Arabella that I’d be seeing Sherlock4Love on Saturday night, they’d insisted on shifting our family meal to Sunday, wanting to hear all about it directly afterward.

The honest truth is as much as I love my mom and sisters, I just want to go back home, crawl into my bed, and sleep the day away. I’m frickin’ exhausted.

I grunt, dismissing her question. “Drop it, Bella.”

Esme wanders into the room and automatically senses the tension. She quickly lowers herself into a seat.

My sisters exchange a glance. Esme whispers, “Quick, tell us before Mom and Elena sit down.”

I work my jaw back and forth. “Let’s just suffice it to say that the app must not keep identities as secret as they claim they do.”

Arabella wrinkles her nose. “What? That makes no sense. They’d be out of business in no time.”

“And maybe they will be.” I wave my hand. “I’m just irritated. This woman was somehow able to manipulate things so she knew who I was. I think she’s known it was me the whole time.”

Esme smacks our sister on the arm lightly with the back of her hand. “He hasn’t slept—that’s what this bad mood is.”