Chapter 25


Not that I’d needed confirmation once I’d seen the tattoo in the photo last night, but I’m mortified when Damon calls out to me. I turn around to face him—yep, my Prof.M. is none other than Damon Madero, the very attractive thorn in my side. As I stand there staring at him, I know he understands without me ever having to say a word that it’s been me messaging him this whole time. I want to crawl into a hole and not come out for a decade.

For the love of all that’s holy, I’d asked him to touch me. Insinuated that I’d do all sorts of wicked, filthy things to him, with him.

And the kicker? It doesn’t matter if Prof.M. is Damon because I’d do all those same things with him, too. I’d love to. I really would. I’d wanted him despite the job issue, and now … well, everything is just one huge clusterfuck.

His face is absolutely shell-shocked—like he’s been tossed a grenade and has no idea what to do with it. And I’m over here about to have a panic attack. What emotion is that in his eyes? Anger? Confusion? Disappointment? Maybe it’s all three. I can’t tell, and it’s sending me to a very scary place in my mind.

I’ve had twenty-four hours to come to terms with the fact that I’ve been talking to Damon as Prof.M., to wrap my head around the fact that they are the same person. And if I’m honest with myself, a part of me had been falling for both of them this whole time. As more emotions surfaced and the relationships evolved, I’d begun to feel such tremendous guilt. But I don’t have to feel guilty anymore, do I? I’d felt almost relieved last night when I’d seen the tattoo and figured it out, but now all of that is quickly disappearing the longer this silence stretches on. His stare is disbelieving, unhappy, cold.

I can’t take it anymore. I turn and slip out the door, walking as quickly as I can in my heeled boots on the snow-covered sidewalk. I dive into my car, start the engine, and peel away from the curb. I take the turns way too fast, and my car slips and slides toward home on the slush-covered roads.

At my apartment complex, I park cockeyed in my space, and I’m so desperate to get inside I don’t even care. I’ve just grabbed my purse off the passenger seat when my phone buzzes inside my bag.

Right. That’ll be the girls checking in to make sure I’m okay. I’d told them I’d text them from the restaurant. I close my eyes. I don’t even know what to say.

With a deep breath, I exit the car and make my way up to my apartment. Somewhere on the way home, my head had begun to pound. I stop in the kitchen, drop my bag on the counter, and grab a bottle of Tylenol out of the cabinet. I swallow a few before fishing my phone out of my bag. My mind is whirring, but my heart is heavy. I wrap my arms around myself and wander back into my bedroom, climbing directly onto the bed, too mentally exhausted to change just yet.

I manage a small smile when I see there’s been a rather lively group text going on while they were waiting for me to confirm that I’m okay.

Quinn: Earth to Piper!

Madison: Here we go again.

Sophia: Piper, we need an update. You’re supposed to let us know you’re okay.

Zoey: Maybe we should let her be. What if they’re …?

Hadleigh: Ooh, yes. What if they are rubbing the fun bits?

Quinn: Well, no rush, but please let us know you’re okay when you can.

Zoey: I’m nervous for her about how Damon reacted.

Sophia: Oh, I’m sure there will be lots for her to tell us about.

Madison: But no rush. Not especially if there are sexy times being had.

Hadleigh: Bow chicka wow wow!

Oh, how I wish sexy times were being had. I’d even settle for a nice dinner with a man I think I have feelings for. This was about the last thing I’d prepared for. I thought we’d talk about it, but he was being a jerk about me being there to meet someone. To be fair, I probably could have handled telling him that I knew it was him better, too. Ugh. He’d made me so mad, though. Still, I know he likes me or he wouldn’t have kissed me. Right? So how is the fact that I’m Sherlock4Love a bad thing?

Me: Girls, I’m afraid it didn’t go well. :(

Sophia: Oh, no. Why?

Quinn: What happened?

Me: Well, first he came up to me, obviously not thinking it could possibly be me.

Me: Then I was trying to figure out how to tell him, and I told him I was waiting for a date, hoping he’d get the hint.

Me: Instead, he made me feel awkward about it.

Madison: That’s weird.