He eases himself back around, careful not to bump his knees against the back of the seat in front of us. He chuckles under his breath. “Everyone seems to like my little activity.” Eyeing me carefully, he goes for the jugular. “Jake really likes it. Did you hear him?”

Out of frustration, I simply say, “Shut it, Damon.” I edge away from him, and under my breath say, “You’re taking up the whole damn seat. You and your big shoulders.”

Oh, someone help me, I’m being rude as hell. I give myself a good eye roll. This man obviously has what it takes to drive me insane.

He studies my features, which I know probably look strained at best. “You look like you wish you could knock me out right about now.”

“Yeah, well, occasionally you get things right.”

“Are we talking about the Hamilton activity or the fact that you’d like to put your fist in my face right about now?”

I cross my arms over my chest and turn away from him. “Both.” After several quiet minutes, I glance over my shoulder only to realize he’s put a pair of earbuds in and is listening to the songs from the musical along with the kids.

It’s actually after school hours at this point, but we aren’t due back until five. Seems as good a time as any for me to shoot off a couple of texts to my girls. Scowling the whole time, I text them my grievances.

Me: Girls. Today has not gone well.

Hadleigh: What? What’s wrong? We had so much fun!

Madison: Well, that doesn’t sound good.

Me: I’ve been stuck with freaking Damon on the bus.

Madison: When I heard he was going on that trip, I kind of wondered …

Hadleigh: I totally just turned around in my seat as if I could see you on the other bus or something.

Zoey: I’m confused. Do we like him or not?

Quinn: I thought she kind of liked him.

Sophia: That’s what I thought.

Me: He’s pushing all my buttons today.

Hadleigh: Sounds like you need him to push a particular button …


Sophia: You should totally have him do that—I mean you.

Me: OMG, Sophia, Had is rubbing off on you.

Hadleigh: Did someone say rub one off? Because that could help, too.

Madison: You are totally embarrassing her. Not that I don’t agree with all of the above.

Finally, I can’t hold it in anymore.

Me: Um. So …

Zoey: Uh-oh.

Me: We kissed.

Me: It happened after barre class yesterday.

Quinn: WHAT?