“What? No! Talk about blasphemous.”
“Seriously. Look it up.” He smirks and takes a bite of his almost-finished second sandwich. He chews thoughtfully and before he s
ays anything else, licks a bit of mustard from his lower lip.
“I’ll do that.” I hide my laugh behind my hand. This guy is too much fun. “Tell me how you’d describe yourself, Sawyer.”
He raises a brow, peering at me carefully. “Hmm. Well, I’m generally dependable, organized, capable … and I want to do this job right. I’m looking forward to learning everything you can teach me.”
A grin splits across my face, and I’m just about to say something when a sharp knock on the door makes both of us jump. I hop up and open it to find Ed on the other side.
Shit. Just who I didn’t want to see. I pull the door open wide and step back. Ed plants his shoulder against the doorframe. He eyes Sawyer and then me.
With a flourish of my arm toward Sawyer, I say, “This is my student teacher for the semester, Sawyer Rivers. Sawyer, this is Ed Haskin, one of our P.E. teachers. He’s also the wrestling coach.”
Ed doesn’t speak for a second, and I can’t help but wonder just what the hell he’s here for. How many times do I have to break up with him for it to get through his head?
From behind me, Sawyer speaks up. “Nice to meet you, Ed.”
When Ed doesn’t respond, Sawyer coughs before asking, “Did you know Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame? He had only one loss in over three hundred matches …” His voice trails off as his brows pinch together in the middle of his forehead. He’s no dummy, he can sense as well as I can that Ed is in a mood.
Ed looks from me to Sawyer again and finally barks out a derisive laugh. “What the hell kind of nerd knows stuff like that?”
Sawyer shrugs and turns back to his food to pop a potato chip into his mouth, seemingly unbothered by my big bully of an ex-boyfriend.
“The smart kind, Ed. The really freaking smart kind. Can I talk to you in the hallway?” I glance over my shoulder. “Sorry, Sawyer. I’ll be right back.”
Sawyer just lifts his hand in a gesture that I read as No worries, go ahead and deal with that jerk.
I step into the hall with Ed, closing the door behind me with an ominous click. To my ears it sounds like the first gunshot of a battle. When Ed keeps walking instead of stopping to talk to me, I rush forward and catch his elbow, forcing him to stop and turn around. “What is wrong with you?” I hiss. A quick glance in both directions tells me no one is within earshot. “Why would you say that to him?”
Ed shrugs. “Eh. He’s a big boy. I’m sure he can handle a little good-natured ribbing.”
I poke my fingers into Ed’s chest. “That was neither good-natured, nor a ribbing. It was you being a possessive asshole. He’s my student teacher, for Pete’s sake, and we”—I flick my finger between us—“are no longer together.” I wet my lips and try my best to not be nice, like Quinn and the other girls had suggested. “So, everything you’ve been doing lately is just solidifying my opinion of you and making you look like even more of an ass. Now, was there something you wanted to say to me, or what?”
I can only hope he’s here to tell me that he did what he’d promised me when I’d said I was no longer interested in dating him. I take a calming breath, observing the cruel set to his eyes as his leering, unwelcome gaze roams over my body. Nope. He definitely won’t have done as I’d asked. I can tell.
He smirks at me and looks down at this phone for a second, fiddling with it. “In fact, it wasn’t so much something I wanted to say as something to show you. Check your texts.” He winks at me and walks away.
Chapter 9
I don’t know what I did to get on the guy’s bad side, but that’s twice in the two times I’ve encountered him that he’s been a rude bastard. I know I wasn’t supposed to have heard their conversation before, but it would seem as though Hadleigh broke things off with him but he won’t leave her alone. That in and of itself irritates the hell out of me—the fact that he isn’t respecting what she said. And then to stop by today to do what? Taunt her? Mess with her? I can’t quite tell what his purpose was in showing up.
Maybe the fact that he’s found me with her both times is setting him off. I’m not quite sure what to tell him. I was assigned to her; it’s not like we’re doing anything wrong. No one can see into the inner workings of my mind to know that I’m attracted to her. There’s certainly no sign stamped on my forehead that says Hot for Teacher—even if I totally am.
With a shake of my head, I polish off my lunch and discard my trash. I glance at the little student desk where Hadleigh’s lunch is still spread out on a napkin, half eaten, and I feel badly for her. A peek at my watch tells me there’s no way she’s going to get to finish eating.
I pull out my phone and shoot off a quick text to Willow.
Me: So far, so good, I think. I’m learning a lot.
Willow: Got your head screwed on straight?
Me: Yeah.
Willow: You still think she doesn’t know it was you that night?