Fuck me. I have to stop treating my body like an amusement park while thinking about her.
While getting ready, I spend the majority of my time chastising myself for every horny thought that enters my head. I have no idea how I’m going to handle seeing her again this morning. I’ve gotten everything all twisted up in my head, and I think I’m on the verge of exploding.
This is so fucking stupid. I don’t even know her. I pick up my backpack from where it lays at the foot of the bed and sling it over my shoulder, trying to shake myself free of my ridiculous ruminations. Time to focus on my purpose for being at the school—to learn how to be a teacher.
Willow’s in the kitchen busy doing her thing—aka burning toast—when I enter. I drop my backpack on the island. “What the hell, Willow? I keep telling you—the setting you want is two. You don’t like your toast charred.”
She peers at me. “Well, you’re a cheery fuck this morning, aren’t you?”
I set about making fresh toast for her as a small chuckle works its way out of me. “Yeah. Even after our talk last night, I still didn’t sleep well. I’ve only got time for scrambled eggs this morning. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
A few minutes later, we sit down together to eat. I glance at my phone, seeing I have about ten minutes before I need to get out the door. “You aren’t going to say anything else?”
“Nope. You’re going to be fine, Sawyer. Focus on learning from her instead of what she’s wearing or what’s under her clothes or her kissable lips, and I’m sure you’ll be just fine.” She clamps her lips together and keeps her eyes trained on her food. I can tell she’s about two seconds from laughing.
I side-eye her with an amused shake of my head. “Thanks, Willow. Thanks for that.”
She’s just taken a sip of her coffee, and she ends up dribbling part of it down her chin as she laughs. “Sorry. You need to relax sometimes. Poke a little fun at yourself. You’ll feel better and probably realize you’re overreacting.”
I huff out a breath as I head into the kitchen, drop my plate and fork into the sink, and gather my things. “I hope you’re right.”
When I arrive at the school, I’m sincerely glad it’s Friday and I don’t have to make it through an entire week before I get a break. I’m asked to check in via the computer at the counter. The secretary hands me a temporary badge to wear on a lanyard as she says, “They like for student teachers to have identification, too, just in case someone mistook you for a student—although I don’t think there’s any cause for concern there.” She smiles at me reassuringly. “Yo
u can go on down to the history and English workroom. Ms. Beckett showed you where that was, right?”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” I take off, exiting the main office and heading down the hallway. There are only a handful of students walking around right now, but I’m sure there will be more here soon enough—whether I’m ready for them or not.
As I get to the workroom, I take a deep breath and force myself to blow it all out. Repeat. I give a quick knock to the door before easing it open.
The only one in the room is Piper, the English teacher Hadleigh had introduced me to during my initial visit. “Oh, hey. I was looking for Hadleigh.”
She smiles. “I think she ran to her classroom. She should be back in just a sec. Feel free to tuck anything in the fridge over there, and make yourself at home. I’m actually on my way to my room now. I’ll duck into her room and let her know that you’re here.”
“I’d appreciate it. Thank you.” I clear my throat, as it sounds extra rough. “It’s Piper, right?”
“Yep. Piper Mathison. I hope you have a great first day.”
“Thanks again.”
She picks up a stack of folders, holds them against her chest and hurries out of the room.
Left alone, I turn in a circle, looking around again. It’s funny, but I feel kind of like I belong here, like I fit into this teacher role pretty well. With a glance at Hadleigh’s desk, I realize they brought in a desk for me, too—only it’s a student desk, with a chair so small my knees will probably be up next to my ears. With a quick bark of laughter, I set my things down on it and unzip my bag. Humming to myself, I put my lunch in the fridge like Piper suggested. Just as I close the door, I sense someone behind me.
“Hey, Sawyer. Piper told me you just got here.”
The sight of my stunning mentor is enough to make my lungs forget how to function for a full count of three. Finally, I manage to pull in a breath. “Yep, I just got my lunch put away and was going to come find you. Am I okay to leave my stuff on the desk there?” I point at the tiny desk next to her larger one.
She covers her mouth when she lets out a small laugh. “I’d intended for you to take my desk when they brought in the student one. The thought of you sitting at that little desk made me laugh.” She surreptitiously looks me up and down.
Despite how sly she thinks she is, I totally notice her checking me out. And even though I know it shouldn’t feel good, it does. It totally does. “Oh, I don’t mind. Whatever works for you.”
She grins at me, and I can’t help but notice how perfect her bow-shaped lips are. They are stained a deep pink color from whatever lipstick she’s slicked over them and match her sweater perfectly. “You can use mine, it’s fine.” She holds up a finger. “They did manage to find a full-sized desk for you for the classroom, so at least there’s that. Come on, I’ll show you.” She spins around, waving a hand over her shoulder for me to follow, leading me out.
“Like I said, no worries at all.” My only real concern now is that I can’t seem to control my gaze as it takes a slow tour of the curves of her tiny waist, over her pert ass, and down her legs. They’re encased in black dress pants and finished off with the same sexy black heels she’d had on the other day.
I blink twice when I realize she’s speaking to me. “Sorry, could you repeat that? I’m a little distracted by the newness of everything.” Or by her fine ass.