Me: But also dinner and dancing …
Me: Getting to know Shawn a lot better …
Hadleigh: Get to the good stuff.
Zoey: Wait, are the BFF and the ex-BF the same person?
Me: Bingo. Chase.
Sophia: Nooo. Say it isn’t so.
Me: Oh, yes. It’s been quite the wild ride.
Hadleigh: How about the fun kind of ride?
Piper: Start small, Had. Did you kiss him?
Zoey: Who, Chase or Shawn?
Sophia: SHAWN. Definitely Shawn.
Sophia: Right, Madi?
Me: I wouldn’t kiss Chase if you paid me.
I take a deep, fortifying breath and forge on, done with all the secrets.
Me: It actually came out that Chase cheated on me more than once. It’s a whole story, but essentially, I went into this weekend believing that Shawn had cheated on Dana, but the real truth is that it was a lie Chase made up to cover up the fact that he’d cheated on me.
Piper: We’re going to need the long version of that story at some point. It sounds like a real whopper.
Quinn: What an asshole!
Zoey: He sounds like a real slimeball.
Hadleigh: Okay, we’ve established that he’s gross and you’re done with him.
Hadleigh: But you skipped over whether or not you and Shawn played tonsil-hockey.
Hadleigh: Or maybe you’re already to the horizontal mambo.
Piper: Maybe they’ve decided to just be friends.
Me: We definitely aren’t just friends.
Sophia: Atta girl.
Me: But he doesn’t know I’m the one who talked to Dana, warning her about his cheating.
Sophia: Uh-oh.
Quinn: But to be clear, he didn’t cheat.
Zoey: What a mess.
Me: No, he didn’t. And I didn’t lie. I only told the truth as I knew it.
Me: I’m still hoping it works out. I have to tell him, but I’m still trying to figure out how.