I suck on her clit, lick and kiss her pink flesh as her hips rock. She’s cautious at first, but I can definitely tell when she gives herself over to me.

She begs me with every swivel of her hips.

She begs me with every moan.

She begs me with the hot desire flashing in her eyes.

And when the release unfurls and lashes through her body, I see in her eyes what I’ve wanted since the second we started talking at the bar—she’s mine.

Curled up next to me a while later, our little game over, she whispers quietly, “Shawn? Is what we’re doing real?”

My head dips, my breath a whisper near her ear. “Madison, the first time my lips met yours, we were real to me. When I touched you, you were mine. I’m a possessive guy. When I’m with a woman, she knows how I feel. I don’t play games. Can’t you see how I feel about you, Madison? Don’t you know?”

My phone rings on the bedside table. I snatch it up and see my brother’s ugly mug on the screen. “It’s Heath.”

“Take it. I can go into the bathroom or something if you want some privacy.” She sits up and unplugs her phone from the charger.

A growl wrests from my throat. “Woman.” I drop my phone on the bed, grab her by the waist with one arm, and pull her back to my chest. I kiss her neck. “I thought I was clear. You aren’t just any person to me. I don’t want you to go anywhere.”

She’s quiet for a second. “Okay. You’d better call him back, then. I’ll just have a chat with my girls while you’re talking.” She wiggles a bit, getting comfortable. She tucks her sweet ass against me, and I have the fleeting thought that I just may have found my heaven.

With a smile on my lips, I call Heath back. “Hey, brother.”

“Well, hey. How are the weary travelers?”

“We’re good. Just resting a lot today. Gorging ourselves on leftover wedding cake. Pretty much just chilling together in the room.”

“Is that what they call it these days? Chilling?”

I chuckle. “I’m pretty sure, yes.”

“So, it’s going well, I take it?”

“Well, Madison and I are fine. I didn’t get a chance to tell you about Chase being here.” I feel Madi stiffen against me. I lean over and drop a kiss behind her ear and she relaxes again.

“Oh. Well, I’m sure that’s been a boatload of fun.”

“Yeah, we’re good. My truck is probably snowed under, but other than that, I think we’ll be fine. How’s everyone at home?”

“Just stuck in the house. Ava’s been keeping us busy all weekend. It’s been a real chore to explain why we can’t go out in this kind of snow.”

I chuckle. “Oh, I can imagine. Well, tell her when Uncle Shawn gets home that if there’s still snow, he’ll take her out to play.”

“All right, man, but you’re asking for it.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because every time we take her out, she never wants to come back inside.”

“Uncle Shawn can handle it.”

Madison rolls over and gives me a look. “It’s a little weird to hear you call yourself ‘Uncle Shawn’ in the third person.”

Heath guffaws in my ear. “I’ve always liked that girl. Tell her I’m looking forward to seeing both of you when you all get home.”

“Will do. We’ll let you know when we are able to head out.”

In the background, I hear a scrambling noise, some shuffling around, and then a pint-size voice shouts in my ear, “Hi, Uncle Shawn!”