He snickers and points at me, his finger jabbing in my direction. “But you didn’t answer the question. Does. He. Know?” He leans toward me, and the stench of alcohol on his breath wafts in my direction. “Does he know you were the one to snitch about it to Dana? You were the one who made her question him. You were the one who made her leave.”

I know this. I know every last word he’s said is true, except I’ll hold my ground on this part—I didn’t lie. I didn’t know that my boyfriend was making up stories to cover his own ass. Why would I have ever thought that of someone who was supposedly in love with me?

But then doubt creeps in and that little voice in my head laughs at me. Yeah, but you’re lying by omission now, Madison. You’re getting in deeper and deeper with Shawn. What if Chase is right? What if that’s how Shawn will see this?

Oh my God, even Chase, who doesn’t possess a moral compass, thinks what I’m doing is wrong.

My expression must betray all of my misgivings about the situation because he smirks and cocks his head to the side.

“He’s not going to want you anymore when he finds out.”

Chapter 24


It’s been too long. I have no idea what Chase wanted to say to her, but I feel like she’s been down there way too goddamn long with him. Fuck this. I’ll go in search of coffee and make sure she’s okay before I come back up.

When I spot them in the corner of the lobby, it

appears they’re just talking. That’s unless you know Madison pretty well, which, amazingly enough after one long weekend with her, I do. I fucking know her, and I know that whatever he’s saying is bothering her. Her body is absolutely stiff. Whatever he’s been saying to her can’t be good.

At the same time I reach them, James comes around the corner. He gives me a quick smile, and then there’s an awkward exchange of looks between Madison and her brother, and then her brother and Chase. I feel the what the fuck are you doing with my sister vibes rolling right off of him, aimed right at Chase.

James huffs and turns his back on Chase, instead opting to focus on his sister. He squats down next to her chair and puts a hand to her shoulder. “You’re okay? I’m not going to lie, my heart jumped up into my throat when you sent me that text.”

Madison chews on her lip as she studies her brother’s worried face and she nods her head quickly, wanting to alleviate his fears. “Yes. Shawn took good care of me. We just took a little trip into a ditch. He gave me all the heated warmer thingies while we were waiting and everything.”

James stands up again and holds out a hand to me, which I shake gladly. “Good man. Thanks for taking care of her.”

Chase mumbles something under his breath that sounds like yeah, if good means fucking your best friend’s girl.

I exhale carefully and my eyes flick to Chase. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

Madison’s hand grips mine hard.

James gives him a cold glare, telling me that it was very clear to all three of us what he’d said. Eyes still pinned on Chase, James asks, “Madi, is there a reason why you’re talking to this asshole?”

Her mouth opens and closes a few times. “I, um—"

Chase interrupts, directing a question my way. “So, you’re really with her now?”

All eyes focus on him as he watches me intently for my answer.

“I thought we already discussed this last night. Yes. I’m with Madison. But I’m not sure why you are so damn concerned about it or talking about her as if she’s still yours.”

“You don’t think I’d ask questions when I show up to find my ex and my former best friend together? Just seems a little odd to me. Like maybe something was going on the whole time she and I were together.”

Madison scoffs at him. “You are so full of shit, Chase.”

He’s about to respond when I hold out my hand for him to stop. “I think that’s about enough. You cheated on her multiple times. You lied about it. You have no further say in her life. Stop trying to upset her. We all know you are just trying to get a rise out of her.”

James turns slowly to Chase as my words sink in. “The fuck? It was more than once?” His eyes, green just like his sister’s, glitter with anger, that fiery jade color blazing hot.

Madison rises from her seat and lets go of my hand. I think she’s reached her breaking point, seeming increasingly uncomfortable. “I’m done with this conversation. James, I’ll see you later.” She blinks a few times, lashes fluttering as her focus lands on me. “I’m going to find something to eat.” She turns to walk away without another word for Chase.

We watch her walk away, and then James lets loose on Chase. “You aren’t to have any further contact with my sister.”

“Whatever.” He shakes his head and laughs.