I huff out a strained laugh. “You could say that again. We didn’t make it very far.”

“Nor’easters are unpredictable. Not to worry, though, we have rooms open.” She gestures to the keys on the wall and takes a few extra seconds to pat Shawn’s arm. “And, of course, the rest of your stay will be discounted. We’ll keep the kitchen open, assuming we don’t lose power. There’s a ton of food left from the reception, too, that’s just sitting in our refrigerator because the bride’s parents haven’t been able to leave yet. They’ve already said they don’t mind if people go ahead and eat it up while we’re all stuck here.”

“All of us?”

“Well, yes. Very few people left in time.” She tilts her head to the right, studying me. “Pretty much everyone is still here, except one other couple who managed to leave early enough.” Her eyes roam over me. “In fact, I’m guessing that it must have been your mom and dad. Your mom has pretty hair like yours, right? And your dad has those same green eyes.”

Shawn smiles and nods as he tucks a strand of my unruly curls behind my ear. “Yep. That’d be them.”

She wrinkles her nose. “I thought so. You all are cute together, by the way.” She walks back around the counter and pulls a key down off the wall. “Same room okay?”

“Yes, ma’am, that’d be great. We really enjoyed it.” Shawn chuckles and nods.

“Well, here’s to a day or so more of making memories, then.” She winks at him, and I cover my giggle with a cough.

Back in our room, we settle in, me taking my time as I carefully tuck my clothes back into drawers while Shawn stuffs his haphazardly into the ones on the other side. He sits on the bed and mumbles, “I’m just going to shoot a quick text to Heath.”

“Good idea.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and send a couple of quick texts to my parents and James to let them know what happened. With that accomplished, I take my time unpacking, and slowly but surely, everything that happened this morning begins to catch up with me. I spin around to face Shawn, and my chest heaves as all the emotions I’d held back in the truck flow through me—panic and fear at the very top of the list, along with the overwhelming need to tell him exactly how I feel about him.

My voice is quiet as I finally find my words. “Shawn, I was so scared.”

He sets his phone aside and stands. He studies my face and the way my body is shaking. “I told you we’d be okay.” He runs the palms of his hands up and down over my arms. “Did you think the Boy Scout wouldn’t keep you safe?” He tries for a little bit of levity, but I can’t crack a grin.

I go to open my mouth again and my face crumples.

“Madison?” Shawn’s voice is gruff. “Talk to me.”

“I-I care about you. And I was scared to death I wouldn’t get the chance to tell you.” And there’s so much more I need to tell you, and I’m terrified that it’s going to mess all of this up. I can’t say it. I can’t bear to know if it will come between us.

He draws me into his arms and holds me against the wall of his muscular chest. “This weekend has been completely unexpected for me. Everything that’s happened between us—I think it’s been a lot for both of us to take in—and it’s been so fast. Do you feel like you want to slow things down?” He clears his throat, his voice rough. “Because we could do that. I don’t think either of us intended to come into this weekend faking a relationship and walk out of it as lovers.” He runs his hand gently over the back of my head and down over my curly hair, the softest caress. “We can put the brakes on … or pretend like nothing ever happened at all. It’s up to you,” he rasps.

I press my lips together and slowly shake my head, my throat thick with emotion. “No. I don’t want to pretend anymore. I’m done faking it.” My fingers grasp at the hem of his T-shirt, edging it up. I run one palm over the dips and planes of muscle. “No more.” I wipe a frustrated hand under my eye, emotion riding high. “I don’t want to slow down or pause or stop. I don’t want to forget. I want to feel every touch of your hand, every stroke of your tongue. I want to spin out of control with you like we’re back on that black ice.” With both hands, I draw the shirt up higher until he takes over, yanking it off on his own.

I peel my hoodie and T-shirt off at the same time. My breath shudders out of me as I drop my jeans as well and step out of them. I’m never this bold. But, Shawn? He makes me feel like I can do anything. He makes me bold.

His eyes are on me as I reach behind my back to unclasp my bra. I allow it to fall from my arms onto the floor. I hook my thumbs in my panties and push them down. The heat in his eyes travels a scorching path over my body. My legs feel weak at the giddy thrill of standing naked before Shawn, and it sends liquid desire through my whole body, pooling between my legs. I never knew I could want someone so much. I never knew it could feel so right. I never knew I could need like this.

My gaze falls to his full lips as I wait for him to say something—anything—so I know we are on the same page. As I watch him, he pops the button on his jeans. His teeth bite down on his full lower lip and rake slowly over it while he continues to follow every curve of my body with his eyes.

I take a deep breath, reach out, and work his zipper inch by painstaking inch. Shawn’s stomach tightens in awareness at my proximity. I slide my fingers around the waistband of his jeans to the back and then dip them down over his taut ass. I take his jeans and boxer briefs off all at once. As my hands travel down over his legs, I kneel in front of him.

Shawn’s whole body tenses when he realizes what I’m doing. I take him in my hand, his skin so soft over the steel of his erection. He sucks in a breath as I stroke him. I want to make him feel good, like I’d felt last night when he put his mouth on me. The memory of it sends flutters through me, every cell of my body humming a song just for him. I wrap my lips around his head and suck while still pumping with my hand.

“Ah, fuck, Madi,” he groans.

With a smile, I release him from my mouth and change gears. I take my time licking and kissing up and down his length, swirling my tongue to the underside before I take him back into the warm wetness of my mouth.

When I suck him deep, his hands dart into my hair, holding the back of my head. He moans, the sound a vibration deep within his chest. “Madison.” His voice is pure grit as his hands guide me to the pace he prefers. “Your sweet mouth. Jesus.”

His thrusts are careful at first, but the longer my mouth is on his cock, the more I can tell his control is dangling by a very thin thread.

That’s because of me. I’m doing that to him. Need surges, spiraling deep inside of me. I love that my mouth, my tongue, are capable of bringing this man to his knees.

I’ve never even liked oral sex before, but somehow this feels different. With him, it’s different. I want to do this. His pleasure rockets through me and becomes mine.

Chapter 22
