Shawn’s deep voice cuts through the air. “Chase. Good to see you, man. Enjoying the wedding?”

“I just got here. I wasn’t going to come, but then a few people messaged me asking about the two of you and I figured I’d come see what they were talking about for myself.”

I take a deep breath, studying him carefully. I’m confused why he’d care enough to show up. “What I do is none of your concern, Chase. I could have been here with anyone, and you’d still have no say in it. I’m not your girlfriend—I’m none of your business anymore.”

He throws his head back, manic laughter spilling out. “The two of you together, though. That’s something.” He levels his stare on Shawn. “I assume you’ve told her?”

Shawn’s hold on me tightens imperceptibly. “Actually, Chase, no, I haven’t.”

“Told me what?” My brows pinch together.

“I haven’t told her, but I do think it’s about time she knew.” His fingers press into my stomach, and I feel his body curl around me in protection. “Why don’t you tell her? It might clear up some of her confusion.”

I glance up, craning my neck to look back at Shawn, and I’m sure my face looks just miserable. Oh my God, what are they talking about? I’m terrified to know, but I’m also eager to find out. Especially if— Wait. Shawn knows I’m confused about something? Um. I bite my lip and square my shoulders. “Tell me. Tell me whatever it is. It couldn’t possibly be worse than what you’ve already done.”

Chase shakes his head, laughing again. “That damn bracelet you found in my truck that one time? It belonged to a girl named Laurie.”

My body stiffens, and I shrug out of Shawn’s arms so I can turn around and look directly into his eyes. My tongue darts out to wet my lips. “The girl you cheated on Dana with?” My head spins. I can’t see where this is going at all.

His face a mask, Shawn slowly shakes his head no. “I’m no cheater, Madison.”

It must be fairly comical to Chase when the light bulb finally flashes on above my head. I turn shakily toward him. “You-you were already cheating on me? Before the girl next door?” My breath heaves out of me as I struggle to maintain my composure.

People walk in and out of the reception hall on their way to the bathroom or back to their rooms, not realizing the chaos raging through my mind.

“I think you should leave now, Chase.” Shawn’s voice sounds gritty and dangerous, definitely the hint of a threat behind his words.

“Fuck that. I’ve checked in for the night. I guess I’ll see your act around.”

I stiffen at his choice of words. If only he knew how close to the truth he is. “I hope I never see you again. You’re the worst, Chase. I hate you.” It sounded so much stronger in my head, but my voice shakes as I say the words.

With that, Chase takes off down a hallway, presumably to his room. Hopefully, he’ll stay there the rest of the night.

“Madison.” Shawn murmurs into my hair. “Can I take you back to our room?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“What do you want to do? Help me out here, Madi. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“Dance. I want to dance with you. Take me away from all of this.” I swallow past the huge lump of tears clogged in my throat. “I want to go back to earlier when we were having fun.”

His lips land on my jaw. And I feel his answer there before he even speaks. “Yes. Of course I can.”

Shawn keeps a protective arm around me and leads me back into the reception. No one is the wiser about the shit show that just went down outside.

“Hey. Let up on your lip.”

“Hm?” I glance up at Shawn, not understanding.

He takes my chin firmly in his hand, swiping his thumb over my bottom lip, gently loosening the hold that my teeth have on it. It throbs where I’d been biting down, and I shut my eyes, embarrassed.

“It’s okay, Butterfly. I’ve got you.” He leads me to the dance floor, just as I’d requested. The DJ has joined the party, but since most people are still enjoying their cake, he’s been playing a few slow songs.

There’s no better feeling than Shawn’s powerful arms around me, I feel safe in his embrace. As soon as we begin to dance, I relax, the anger cooling in my blood from the confrontation with Chase.

Shawn drags in a deep breath. “Are you okay?” His hands slide up and down my back, and I bury my face against his chest.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now.”