Shawn rises from the bed, his hair so sexily sleep-rumpled it makes me want to scream. Or maybe it’s just that I wish he would make me scream. He passes me on the way to the bathroom, and it’s all I can do to keep myself from reaching out and swatting his bottom.

Maybe if I have some breakfast I’ll get my head screwed on straight. I pick up a little bed-and-breakfast pamphlet from the desk and thumb through it until I find a section on dining services. Thank goodness. They serve breakfast until ten, and they do room service.

I pick up the hotel phone and dial the front desk.

“Good morning. This is Jeannie at the front desk speaking. How may I help you?”

I think it’s the lady who’d checked us in. Her voice is just as chipper at nine in the morning as it was yesterday afternoon. “Hi, Jeannie, this is Madison Green in room eight. I was hoping we’d still be able to order breakfast.”

“Oh hi, honey. Did you enjoy your room last night?” she titters, not waiting for my answer. “You’re calling just in time. What can I get you?”

I glance over the menu, not having any idea what Shawn will want. “Um, can I get an order of the waffles with blackberry syrup, three scrambled eggs, and two sides of bacon?”

Hopefully, that’ll be enough. I know my brother eats enough to feed a horse.

“Of course, dear. We’ll send it up as soon as it’s done. Enjoy!” The phone clicks in my ear, and I set it down with a sigh, looking around the room.

As I’m contemplating whether to shower now or later, Shawn reappears, hair slightly calmer now. He’s still missing a shirt, which I’m rather enjoying now that I’m not so surprised by the sight of his bare chest, muscles and all.

Shawn points at the phone. “Did I hear you order breakfast?”

“Yeah, I hope I ordered something you’ll eat. I got waffles, eggs, and bacon.”

“I’ll eat whatever, but that sounds great.” He watches me carefully as storm clouds cross my face.

I breathe out an exasperated sigh. “Ah, shit.”


“I forgot to ask for coffee.” I pout first, then groan.

He sh

oots me a look of disbelief. “How could you?” Then he immediately wrinkles his nose and laughs at my startled face. “No joking around until after the coffee. Got it. It’s no problem. I saw they have some down in the lobby. I’ll just go grab us a couple cups. How’s that sound?”

A slow smile spreads across my face. “That’d be great, actually. Thank you.”

“No problem.” He pulls a T-shirt over his head, yanking it into place over his torso.

The peep show is officially over. Damn.

Chapter 13


After we shared breakfast, we’d taken turns in the shower, both of us throwing on jeans, T-shirts, and hoodies. At first, Madison suggested we stay in the room all day, but I’d convinced her we should go for a walk to get some fresh air rather than stay cooped up here. I know she’s scared to have to put on an act any longer than we absolutely have to.

“Are you ready for your first official outing as my fake girlfriend?” I raise my brows at her.

“Um, yeah, I guess so. What are we doing?”

I hand her coat to her and toss mine on. “You’ll see. Come on.”

She hesitates, eyeing me warily.

“Trust me. Shawn Mitchell knows how to be the very best fake boyfriend.” I take her coat out of her hands and hold it up for her.

When she slips her arms in, she whirls around. “Sorry. I’ve had a little trouble with the T word for a while now.”