Zoey blushes. “Mr. Steele. Sorry.”
The whole group giggles. Every time one of us brings up the assistant principal, Miles Steele, Zoey blushes like mad. It’s freaking adorable.
I look down into my glass only to realize I’m almost done with my first drink. “I’m going to need a refill, and we haven’t done our Secret Santa exchange or even mentioned the book yet. This could get bad.”
I exhale loudly and slide my glass over to Quinn, who arches her brow at me. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” I wave a hand. “I’m fine. We can talk about it later.”
“Okay, then, let’s dive into this book.” Sophia holds up her book of choice, effectively ending the gabbing for the moment. “So, what’d you all think? Overall impressions first.”
The whole group gives it a thumbs up with the exception of Piper. “Sci-fi is just not my thing, guys.”
After thirty minutes of actual book talk, we’re ready to move on, namely to our Secret Santa exchange, but my mind keeps drifting to the absolute suck of showing up alone to my cousin’s wedding. Stop ruining tonight’s fun for yourself, Madison.
With a soft smile, Sophia reaches into her bag. “Can I go first? I have Madison’s gift … and I think she needs a little pick-me-up right now.”
My eyes flick to hers. “How’d you know?”
Four additional pairs of eyes land on me.
“We can totally tell you’re out of sorts.” Quinn tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, eyeing me carefully.
Hadleigh wrinkles her nose. “You were acting a little weird this morning, too.”
“And at lunch,” chimes in Zoey.
Piper squints at me from across the table. “Spill.”
At my grumpy expression, Sophia holds up the gift she brought for me. “Let it out, then we can get back to fun stuff.”
I look down at my hands in my lap for a brief second, then around the table at each of my friends. “I’ve got a family wedding to attend this weekend, and I’m dreading it. Big-time.”
“Aw, why? Weddings are so much fun.” Hadleigh tilts her head to the side in question.
“It’s the showing-up-alone part that I’m not managing well. It’s been a long time since I’ve dated anyone, and I hate all the questions and assumptions that come with flying solo at a wedding.”
Piper works her jaw back and forth. “Well, what about bringing a friend?”
A sharp laugh rips from me. “A male friend? I don’t really have any.”
Quinn frowns. “And you’re leaving tomorrow?”
I nod. “Yep.” I let the P pop on my lips.
Sophia frowns. “You didn’t give me any time to play matchmaker. Why didn’t you say something about it? We could have figured something out.”
My voice is soft when I respond, “I’m embarrassed that I’m letting this get to me.”
At my explanation, Zoey gives a quick shake of her head. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You’ll find someone when the time is right.”
“Maybe. I’d already thought I had.” I shrug. “Will you guys text me while I’m away and make sure I’m not losing it?”
A slow smile spreads across Sophia’s face. “A group text. That’s always fun.”
I nod and take a deep breath, then expel it slowly. “Okay, I’m fine. I’m ready for Secret Santa now.”
I school my features as Sophia studies me. I’m not okay, but I can’t handle talking anymore about it right now. Hopefully, I’ll make it through the weekend and can put this behind me.