Steven’s lips pursed as he rubbed his throat.

Turning to Dmitri, she said more softly, “Calm down. I’m right here, and I’m not hurt. Beating the hell out of him is only going to get you arrested.”

“While I like all of what just came out of your mouth and the way you delivered your message to this fucker—” Dmitri lifted an eyebrow; the hot flickers in his gaze hadn’t dimmed. “Aidan is a lawyer. Kyler is a cop. They’ll get me off.”

“Okay, you’re probably right. They seem very efficient.” She squeezed his hand in hopes that he’d understand. “But I don’t want this. I want Steven to go away. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

Dmitri stared at her for a long moment before he exhaled. To Steven, he said, “If you come within a foot of her, you’ll regret it.”

Steven glared at Presley, continued to rub at his neck, then finally snorted. “Fine, you want to fuc

k up your life and become some whore, go right ahead.”

Dmitri pulled against her hands, but Presley dug her heels into the ground to stop him. She was relieved when he obliged her. She was even happier when Steven strode around the front of his truck.

“Steven,” Dmitri called, and when Steven turned, he added, “I have power in Vegas. With that power comes a means to destroy lives. If you enjoy your life and your job, stay clear of Presley and her family.”

Steven paled, opened the door to his truck, jumped in, and with a squeal of his tires, drove off. Presley watched the truck hightail down the street as adrenaline rushed through her veins. Her hands trembled and her insides jumped, then, without any warning, a bubble of laughter rose from her throat.

Dmitri’s eyebrow slowly arched. “I don’t pretend to understand what you find amusing about this situation.”

She noticed how he looked at her, with no dominant fury now that Steven had left, and she couldn’t fight off her smile. “That felt good. Telling him off like that. Really good.”

Dmitri blew out a loud breath, shaking his head at her. “Doll, I prefer to make you feel good in other ways, which don’t include seeing your ex-boyfriend trying to force you into his truck while you’re screaming at him.” Wicked heat passed in the air between them as he grinned, full of arrogance, so classic Dmitri. “Like this way . . .” He closed the distance, then he sealed his mouth over hers in a kiss of pure possession. His lips were firm, his tongue thrusting roughly into her mouth. He didn’t sweep her away with his kiss, but he issued a stern order that his lips belonged on her mouth.

She liked his way better, too.

He did make her feel good.

Really, really good.

Chapter Nineteen

Only a minute after Master Dmitri left Presley standing in the foyer of the mansion, a loud squeal erupted around her. She saw Cora running toward her at full speed, her breasts jiggling as she made a beeline straight for her through the long hallway. Presley laughed, which turned into a yelp as Cora smashed her very naked body against her.

“Oh my God, I heard what Steven did today,” Cora exclaimed, squeezing her in a death hold. “What a prick.”

“Um . . . Cora.” Presley tried to peel herself away but was afraid to put her hands anywhere, merely holding them out straight. “You’re naked. This is weird.”

Cora gasped, releasing her arms from around Presley, and stepped back. “Oops, I am, aren’t I?” She glanced down at her breasts before she folded her arms to cover herself and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, I forgot.”

“Cora,” Master Aidan called. “Dungeon. Now.”

From Master Aidan’s clipped tone, it became apparent that he wasn’t overly pleased with her, maybe explaining why Cora was naked. Presley looked over Cora’s shoulder, spotting Master Aidan, who frowned as he stood next to Master Dmitri and Master Kyler at the end of the hallway.

Cora snorted softly, dragging Presley’s attention to her, and she rolled her eyes. “The grump has summoned me.” She leaned forward and kissed Presley’s cheek. “I’m glad it all worked out today.” She turned and all but bounced her way to Master Aidan. “See ya down in the dungeon.”

Trying not to look at her friend’s bare butt, Presley watched Master Dmitri leave his conversation with Master Kyler. His intense eyes, as always, were fixed directly on hers when he approached. As if he saw nothing else in the house or around him but her standing there and waiting for him.

Right now she saw only him. His height and impressive physique, the fluid, powerful way he walked, and the sexy curve of his mouth all made heat flicker through her veins. Dear God, this man was sexy, and her draw to him felt almost electric.

Master Dmitri reached her and he placed a finger under her chin, locking her into his stare. “I’ve put the dungeon under Master Kyler’s care for the night. We’re going to the bedroom. It’s been a long day, and you must be tired.”

A flash of disappointment made her chest heavy, erasing the slow building of arousal. “We’re not going to play, sir?”

That smile turned devilish, and his eyed darkened. “Oh, we’re going to play.” He brushed his lips across hers, then he dragged his mouth ever so slowly along her cheek to whisper in her ear, “Just not in the dungeon, Presley.”

She shivered under the force of what those words meant. There could be only one reason he wanted to play in the bedroom. “Sir . . .” At the arch of his brow, she added, “Speaking of that, I’ve been thinking about my soft limit.”