At his clipped voice, she snapped her eyes open and saw that his brow had furrowed. His thighs beneath her hands trembled, and his cock hardened, and somehow it grew even bigger inside her mouth. He gripped her hair tightly, his eyes widened, and he thrust to the back of her throat and froze. On his deep grunt and the buck of his body, she swallowed frantically to drink down all he had to offer her.

When his erection softened between her lips, he smiled down at her, pulling his semi-hard cock slowly out. “You’re damn good at that, Presley.”

Brushing his thumb over her bottom lip, she drew the digit into her mouth and sucked on it. “Thank you, sir.” He cupped her face with his strong hands, then he kissed her. She experienced his gratitude from the soft swirls of his tongue, even pride in herself that she’d pleasured him blind.

After he treated her mouth to the talent of his wicked tongue, leaving her slightly winded, he assisted her to her feet. “No, doll, believe me, thank you.” He stepped out of the shower, and she watched him as he wrapped a white towel around his waist.

She couldn’t help but notice how he dominated the space. Being half-naked definitely suited him. He took another towel off the hook, holding it open to her, and once she joined him, he patted her down, all too careful of the marks on her back.

“Now, before we put some cream on those pretty marks of yours, we’ve got something to discuss.” He took her hand and towed her closer toward him. “I plan to call you every day this week. Be sure to return my calls if I’ve missed you.”

Her heart skipped a beat, and she blinked as the change in him became entirely obvious. Things had become more personal. That was the shift in his eyes, the way he examined her more intently. He wanted to get to know her on an intimate level, not only a D/s level. “Err . . . okay, sir.”

He smiled, and it seemed he liked that she stood in absolute shock. “I’d like to take you out for dinner, too. Where would you like to go?”

Not to say she’d object to his offer of getting to know her better on a date. Heck, she found herself blushing and smiling at the thought. But maybe, just maybe, she felt a little intimidated by him outside of the dungeon. Master Dmitri, powerful CEO and owner of Club Sin, dating her, a dental hygienist from Apple Valley.

It seemed like an unusual match, to say the least.

Wait! He intimidated her in the dungeon, too. Why was she thinking this over? Dinner with Dmitri—only an idiot would refuse his offer. “Well—” She pondered but realized she would never come up with an answer. “Where would you like to go?”

All the warmth vanished from his face with his frown. “Did I ask you where I wanted to go?”

While normally this wouldn’t be so hard to answer, Master Dmitri wasn’t like any man she’d met before, all fancy and rich. None of the places she went was suitable. “I’m not sure if you’d—”

“To your knees.”

At the sharp command that rocked right into her soul, she dropped and groaned when her knees banged against the marble floor. Master Dmitri tucked his finger under her chin, lifted her head, and his dark gaze pinned her. “Where do you want to go for dinner, Presley?”

Her first reaction was to say Scores, but there was no way she’d go there and chance that Steven would show up. While Master Dmitri knew about him—somewhat—she preferred to keep the matter private. “I love sports bars, and Mickey’s is fun.”

Master Dmitri tugged on her hair and gave her his smile. “Now, was that so hard, doll?” She laughed, shaking her head. He shook his head, too, even if it looked more in frustration. “Tomorrow I have to spend the day at work before the dungeon opens, and my schedule this week will keep me busy. Let’s do dinner on Friday evening at five.”

“That works for me, sir.”

He offered his hand. “Up you come, doll.”

Once she rose, he kept her hand tight in his and spun her slightly to the side. “Rest up and heal yourself, because next weekend—” He smacked her ass with an incredibly hard hit, making her squeak, and his grin belonged to the devil himself. “Yes, doll, that’s exactly the sound I want to hear from your mouth when we play again.”

Chapter Fifteen

On Sunday night, in the foyer of Dmitri’s home, the scent of ripe flowers swept through his nostrils as he wrapped his arms around a soft woman. “I’m pleased you came for dinner, Mary. It was great to see you and catch up.”

He leaned away and she frowned at him, her brown eyes narrowing into slits. Something his old friend Charles would have handed out a firm punishment for. “I do not forgive you that the little sweetheart Presley wasn’t here.”

Dmitri chuckled at her glare, but he agreed with her. He regretted not having Presley join them for dinner, too. She had stayed over both Friday and Saturday night after they played in the dungeon, and they shared breakfast the following morning. Not only did he enjoy the time with her, but Presley knew how to cook a killer omelet. While he cleaned the dishes, he considered asking her to stay the day with him. Instead of doing that, he let her leave so she could go home to Cora and her own house.

Making him smile even more than Mary’s glare was having Mary in his house. Before Charles’s death, he had spent every Sunday night with their family for dinners. Mary had called him their adoptive kinky son. The relationship had always felt that way: familiar and loving, just like family.

After Charles’s death, it became too hard for Mary to see Dmitri. Every time she saw him was a reminder of the Master she’d lost. Looking into Dmitri’s dominant gaze likely reminded her of her Charles, and Dmitri always noticed the pain in her eyes when she left. Most times they chatted on the telephone, as that seemed best for Mary.

Stepping away from the scowling woman, he leaned against the wall and folded his arms, even if he couldn’t keep the smirk

off his face. “Will you let it go? I’ve apologized for Presley’s absence ten times tonight.”

Mary studied him a moment, then she flicked her long black hair. “You deserve to be happy, you know. Stop this being-single nonsense.”

He smiled, inclining his head. “You’ve told me that, too.”