Master Dmitri would be fair, that she believed. Even Cora had said that he’d likely take it easy on her because she was so new to the lifestyle. Presley didn’t want to leave Club Sin, but most important, she didn’t want to leave the Dom currently waiting.

Keeping her eyes on Master Dmitri for strength, she grabbed the hem of her top, sliding it over her head, and handed it him. She followed with her heels and her skirt, which left her stark naked, the warm air caressing her nipples and making them pucker tighter.

Presley never looked away from Master Dmitri, and in his stare, she saw a glint of pride that she’d followed through with his order. Seeing his pleasure in her made her feel equally good, almost fulfilled somehow. But as he did a very slow once-over of her body, all the warmth dancing in delight turned into wicked burn.

Glancing over Master Dmitri’s shoulder, she noticed that the other Masters, who had looked casual before, now stood straighter. Heat flamed between her thighs, and her breath whooshed from her lungs. Their examinations of her naked body, how their features shifted to raw, primal male need, and how she was put on display, set her body aflame.

A whisper of a touch trailed down the front of her neck, and she turned to Dmitri and discovered the other Masters’ heated looks had nothing on his. His baby blues burned with a fire she craved would consume her. “Yes, doll, I’m there, too.”

At her smile, since she enjoyed making him as hot as he did her, he turned and gestured the Club Sin Masters forward. All three of the men stepped up next to him, circling her. Their powerful presence simmered in the air and slowly erased her smile. A cold sweat washed over her very naked skin, and her breath caught in her throat.

Master Dmitri chuckled. “Not to worry, doll, we’re not going to gangbang you.” His gentle touches continued on her neck. “That’s a hard limit for you.”

Presley nearly exhaled a relieved breath but thought it might insult the other Masters to know she didn’t want to have sex with them. She did not intend to get herself into more of a tight spot with her bare ass showing. As she looked upon their amused expressions, especially Master Kyler’s, she realized their presence was only to increase her level of discomfort.

Just so happened, it worked.

“Now, Presley,” Master Dmitri said, commanding her gaze, and the softness was replaced by his stern look. “When I place you in my bed, you are to stay there. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

Leaning toward her, he brought his eyes down to her level. “I do not like you thinking for me. That is my job. In my care, you don’t think, you do not question, you only do.” His eyebrows arched, increasing the tense set of his features. “Understand?”

He waited for her nod. “While I’m not a Dom who demands submission twenty-four/seven, you appear to have too much going on in your head, so I expect your submission whenever you step foot in this house, including when you’re in my bedroom. Meaning—and this is what I told you before—you, as a Club Sin submissive, don’t make decisions such as sneaking out of my bed.”

Again he paused for her nod before he went on. “After you are better trained and more confident in what is expected of a Club Sin submissive, I will loosen those rules. Clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

He dropped his chin lower and stared at her dead-on. “Like I’ve already explained and do not wish to continue to repeat, if you’re upset or have concerns, you are to tell me. I don’t want actions such as glaring or running out of my house. I want you to sit down and talk with me about it.” At her wince, since he had told her that before, he added, “You should’ve woken me up that night, told me what you were thinking, and I could’ve dealt with it.”

She sighed, realizing what bothered him more than her running out. Yes, he didn’t like that she’d run, but more than that, Dmitri clearly liked to talk things out, and well, she wasn’t used to that. Steven had never been much of a talker. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“I know you are, doll.” He smiled gently, tugging on a strand of her hair. “However, to ensure that last night’s mistake won’t happen again . . .” He spun on his heels, heading toward the pool table, where he set her clothes on top. “Your clothing is gone.”

She blinked. “Gone . . . as in, for the whole night, sir?”

He turned to her, eyes narrowed. “Doll, this punishment is extremely light. I suggest you take it without further fight.” He arched a brow. “Or would you rather I spank your ass until a chair resembles your sworn enemy?”

Well, shit! “No clothes sounds just fine, sir.”

He smirked. “Thought so.” He approached and offered his hand. “Come with me. The dungeon awaits us.”

Once she slid her hand into his strong hold, he gathered her in next to him, and the warmth of his body engulfed her. With the other Masters out in front, Master Dmitri led her through the hallway and down the basement stairs to the dungeon.

As she stepped off the last step into the basement, she glanced around at the stone walls leading to the wrought-iron door at the end of the wide hallway. When they reached the dungeon’s door, the other Masters all entered, and when the last of them, Master Kyler, crossed the threshold, Presley entered behind Master Dmitri. After the door slammed closed behind her with a loud bang, she stopped dead in her tracks.

Good Lord.

Every muscle in her body went from slightly tense to rigid so quickly that she groaned. The music drifted over her in the usual soft seductive rumble, and even the rich energy in the room seemed to raise the hair on her arms, but the fifty or so people sitting on the floor in front of a stage—that hadn’t been there before—stole any arousal that might have been.

The crowd faced the stage, which was totally lit up by spotlights, and a rope dangled down from a large metal hook fastened to the ceiling. Two more ropes were tied to loops on the ground, and a tray covered with a black sheet was alongside them.

Master Dmitri strode forward, and the murmurs grew louder as all eyes zeroed in on her. She understood his punishment. Her being naked around the usual crowd would unsettle her, but clearly, every member of Club Sin was in attendance tonight. This sucked, and wasn’t that a fine punishment?

She also realized his intent with the spa day: He had planned to show her off and wanted her to look her best. His generosity didn’t seem as generous now. More important, why was everyone in attendance and sitting around a stage?

Once in front of the crowd, Master Dmitri turned to her. “I need to speak with Master Kyler a moment. No one will talk to or touch you. I won’t leave you, Presley.” At her thudding heartbeat but slow nod, he skimmed a finger along the side of her neck and grinned. “To your knees.”