Now more empowered under the comfort of his warm expression and the promise of his touch, she tucked her fingers into her panties and slid the fabric over each foot.

Once she’d tossed her panties onto the pile of clothes, Dmitri, with his sexy grin, gave the junction between her thighs a long look. Leaning toward her, he tucked his thumb under her chin and brought his lips that close to hers. “Yet again, submissives are rewarded for bravery.”

He sealed his mouth over hers and stole her coherent thoughts. No man had ever kissed her like this. Sometimes he nibbled at her mouth, and other times he licked the curve of her bottom lip. Every move he made appeared with purpose to unravel her.

He succeeded.

She unraveled.

When she all but melted beneath his mouth, he backed away, dragging his thumb over her bottom lip. His eyes glinted in approval. “You’ve got a sweet mouth on you, sub. Give all of yourself through your kisses, don’t you?”

Did she?

No one ever told her that before, but she’d never had a kiss to warrant thinking she was good. Steven had hurried through his kisses and never guided her. Master Dmitri savored, took his time with the kiss, and she appreciated his attention to detail.

Breaking through the low music, a sudden clearing of a throat came from the doorway, and Master Dmitri turned. His fingers left her chin, and coldness rocked her to the bones. The comforting stare she’d depended on fled, and ice slid through her veins, stealing any of the heat he’d built. She became all too aware that she stood naked, exposed, and abandoned in a BDSM dungeon. Before she could stop herself, she whimpered.

Not a second later, Master Dmitri had her chin in his hand, commanding her gaze. “I’m sorry, doll.” Obvious concern furrowed his brow. “I wasn’t aware my leaving you would make you feel such a loss. That won’t happen again.”

Trapped in his stare and with his touch, she noticed her chest relaxing, her panic lessening, and the sensation of being under intense scrutiny eased. When his entire focus centered on her, the world once again stopped around her. Nothing else existed or could possibly fight against the pull to him.

Master Dmitri tilted his head, regarding her. “Master Kyler has joined us. As I told you, the Club Sin Masters check on the scenes to ensure that everything is safe.” Brushing his finger across her cheek, his eyes warmed. “Does it give you some comfort to know he’s here to make sure you’re in a good place mentally?”

“Yes, sir.”

In fact, a discouraging heat flushed through her at Master Kyler seeing her nude. What in the hell was that? Shouldn’t she be embarrassed, not turned on? Yet there it was: a hot flash starting at her toes, rushing all the way up her body, and settling directly between her thighs.

Master Dmitri gave his sexy half-grin. “There you go. That’s a better look on you.”

Chapter Nine

Dmitri stared into Presley’s gorgeous eyes. This woman’s innocence was a stunning pleasure to him. He was well aware that Presley gave him more purpose than he’d experienced in a long time. She needed his complete attention, and her edginess kept him cautious, awakening his Dom instincts in a way that made that side of his nature appear as if it had been dormant.

Watching over Presley was different than with the other subs he’d mastered, almost putting him on high alert, and he enjoyed the little game she set out. One minute she was tentative; the next, she dripped with arousal. While her nerves amused him, he also understood. The dungeon and the lifestyle were new to her, but he preferred her saturated with lust from his touch rather than timid.

Remaining in front of her while she stood on the stage, he skimmed his finger up her thigh until he pressed against her bare pussy with the single strip of hair leading the way to her clit. Keeping his eyes fixed on hers, he noticed how her tense muscles relaxed the second he returned to her, which meant trust was growing between them. That pleased him more than anything else did so far.

Tickling her cleft with the tip of his finger, he enjoyed the heat flaring in her eyes, and even more how she drew in ragged breaths. Yet again, his touch awakened her and shed her nerves. She was an intriguing little submissive and an interesting riddle he intended to solve.

Ready to move on, he glanced over his shoulder at Kyler. “Thank you, Master Kyler, for checking in on our scene.”

Kyler gave a quick nod with a sly smile, then he winked at Presley. “Be good for Master Dmitri, sweetie.”

When Kyler vanished into the main room, Dmitri turned to Presley. Her gaze had heated some with his playful touch, and moisture coated her lower lips. “What’s the club’s safe word, if you need it?”


“That’s right. Use that word, and it’s a dead stop to our scene.” He slid one finger between her damp folds.

Once he settled in nice and deep, he groaned at her tightness, and her breath deepened. He swirled his finger within her silky skin, then he pumped his finger in twice. The squeeze of her pussy around his finger delighted him. The dark seductive look she gave urged him on.

With his free hand, he gathered up both of her wrists and pinned them to her stomach. Her body jerked as if her blood were too hot for her veins—a clear sign that bondage would arouse her. Her cheeks were bright red, eyes wide and accepting of the pleasure, and her musk swept through his nostrils, tightening his groin.

He loved the wild look of her, but he wasn’t quite ready to send her there. He withdrew his finger and she whimpered. Last night clearly had been as long for her as it had been for him. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one sexually frustrated. Too bad for him, tonight was just for Presley.

Keeping those wrists tight in his hands, he leaned in toward her and murmured in her ear, “Presley, you’re going to come so hard, you’ll wonder where your muscles have gone.” He backed away to see her eyes flaring with desire. “But I decide when and how you’ll get there.” He released her wrists, noticing the dimming of color in her cheeks. “While I’m tempted to bind your hands at your back, we haven’t gained that type of trust, and I want you to feel safe tonight. Instead, I’m going to bind them in front of you.” He waited for her “yes, sir” before he continued. “Be warned, if you attempt to stop me in any way, I’ll bind them at your back without hesitation. Do not mistake my generosity for weakness, Presley.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.