With the help of Cora earlier that day, she had come up with her hard limits and added to the agreement: No permanent marks on the skin. No humiliation. No clothespins. No speculums. No fisting. No group sex. No touching by any Dom other than Master Dmitri on mouth, breasts, vagina, or anus.

The latter had been the only one Dmitri discussed with her because she had first written No touching by any other Dom than Master Dmitri, and he had requested that she add on mouth, breasts, vagi

na, or anus, since he might require the assistance of another Dom. He had told her with his sexy smile, “Sometimes four hands are better than two for tying ropes and such.”

As long as no one else touched her womanly areas or expected sex acts from her, Presley didn’t mind his request. With a full-out blush, she moved on to sex toys and agreed to everything from a flogger and a whip, to bondage with rope and leather cuffs, to the use of vibrators and dildos.

Once she signed the limit page of her agreement, Dmitri gave it a good long read before he put it in her file. Then he turned to her and asked, “Did you masturbate last night when you got home from the dungeon, thinking of what you saw?”

“Yes.” Her cheeks burned. “Once this morning, too.”

He studied her; a slow smile filled his face. “Did you think of me doing those things to you?”

She hesitated then nodded.

“Good.” Leaning down toward her, and with his warm breath caressing her face, he murmured, “You should only think of me now, as I am your Dom. But your orgasms belong to me. Those were your freebies. You don’t masturbate unless I allow it.”

After that interesting conversation, leaving her revving high, Master Dmitri had taken her into the dungeon. Then he had become an ass—a totally smokin’-hot ass, but still an ass who continued to tease her all night. Last night had been much easier, when he simply watched her explore. For the three hours she stayed in the dungeon, he’d approach to make her wonder if they’d scene, then he’d leave her.

Now he had returned to the couch she sat upon for the umpteenth time after Cora went off with Master Aidan. “It’s time to play, doll,” he said with the same devilish expression she’d seen all night.

Presley hesitated, waiting for the follow-up of later, that is. She’d given up on asking him if he was serious. This time he simply grinned at her with dark, delicious eyes. “Now, sir?” she asked.

He offered his hand. “Yes, Presley, now.” The side of his mouth curved. “I do believe if I don’t take you into a scene soon, you might combust.”

She laughed, realizing he’d done this little game to relax her, since she wasn’t nearly as nervous as when he’d approached her the first five times. She pressed her hand into his firm touch, his presence of power wrapped around her in a sensual embrace, and he led her through the dungeon.

Tonight Club Sin seemed busier. To her pleasure, as they strode through the dimly lit dungeon and passed the available spanking bench, no one paid any attention to her. She hoped it remained that way, considering she didn’t want to become the focal point of the evening’s entertainment.

The music playing in the club tonight sounded closer to hard rock without the lyrics. Beneath the guitars and drums, all she could hear—sense—around her was the sexually charged environment, with erotic noises coming from every corner of the room.

She glanced up at the Dom holding her hand, and her cheeks warmed. A slow heat slid over her: Soon this gorgeous man would touch her in the places that would warrant her to moan in pleasure. Maybe even groan from a firm slap on her bottom. Her mouth dried, and a harsh shiver rushed along her spine.

A low chuckle snapped her out of her thoughts, and Presley blinked, realizing that yet again Master Dmitri had caught her ogling him. He winked. “Stay here, love.”

Following his every fluid and powerful step, Presley watched him grab a cart from against the wall, then he approached his locker. Irritating her to no end, he took out the items and placed them on the cart, covering the tray with a black sheet before she got a good look.

On his approach, Presley swallowed, desperate to get saliva into her mouth, and Master Dmitri gave her a heated smile. Without saying a word—while Presley read the raw and rich excitement in his gaze—he took her hand and led her forward. She stayed just a bit behind him as he pushed the cart.

They traveled through the dungeon and passed a scene that had attracted a crowd. Presley noticed that the submissive to her right was hog-tied on the dungeon’s floor while Master Sawyer used a flogger on her, impeccably hard.


While the scene looked mildly painful, what bothered Presley more was the sizzle forming between her thighs and the rush of moisture making her panties feel tight. Her mind refused to accept the thought of pain being pleasurable, but her body betrayed her, heating in all the right places and throbbing to experience such a sensation.

With that confusing mess rushing through her mind, she looked away from the scene as Master Dmitri led her into a cubbyhole of sorts at the back of the dungeon. Not a closed-off room, but to the left of the doorway and hidden by the stone wall.

He released her hand and she looked up to him, catching him staring at her. He arched a brow over eyes that positively glowed. “I’m being kind to you by not playing with you in front of a crowd for your first scene. I do believe I should be thanked.”

“Thank you, sir,” she responded in haste.

His mouth twitched. “Very nice.”

She figured he’d given her another lesson, and she took it as such. Clearly, whenever Master Dmitri did something generous, he expected gratitude. Which she didn’t mind; heck, she did appreciate not going through this event with a crowd watching.

However, at that scary thought, she swallowed hard, and those hidden nerves flared within. The air in the space became thicker and her heart rate faster. She had wondered if the nervous edge had worn off, but apparently, it hadn’t.

Master Dmitri’s playful game had made her comfortable tonight. Now she was reminded exactly what she was here to do. She clenched her hands in front of her and fought against her desire to turn and leave.