She belonged there. With him, in that room, under his command.

Her hunt to discover something she thought she needed, craved. It had nothing to do with her. Nothing she needed to find. She couldn’t find happiness because happiness had to be given to her. Told to her. Shown to her. Controlled by another.

By Gavin.

But what did he want? He held her as if he cared for her, but normal protocol called for caring for the submissive after a scene. Did it explain why she experienced an attachment to him? The need to be his. Maybe? All she knew was she had found her happiness. In him. And she never wanted to let it go.

“Did you enjoy your experience?” His voice comforted her as it drew her away from her thoughts.

“I enjoyed it immensely.” She laughed.

His eyebrow arched. “Do you have any questions?”

Did she? Her mind felt clearer now, and lots of things captured her thoughts. Only one stood out as most important to her. A question she needed answered to settle some of the emotions she felt now. “Am I good at it?”

The arch of his brow fell as a serious look crossed his face. “You belong in this role.”

The confirmation she needed. In her soul, being submissive, always wanting to satisfy, to not disappoint came as a natural response for her. Before she thought it just a part of her character and why she excelled in most areas of her life. Now however, she believed it almost a shame she’d wasted it on people who didn’t deserve her kindness. There was only one person she wanted to offer such gratitude to, which brought another question to her mind. “Is it always like this?”

“Like what?”

She squirmed a little in his arms, uncomfortable about the subject matter, but he held her firm in his grip. Resolved he’d answer honestly and not judge her, she continued. “I feel quite attached to you.”

A little twinkle rose in his eyes. “A Dom and sub always have a strong connection. The journey together causes the intense reaction.”

Her heart sank at his words. She experienced these feelings because of the event, a normal feeling to occur. Part of her had hoped they shared something unique. Something special between them. “Oh.” Disappointment made her mutter the response.

Gavin smiled a delectable grin. “What we experienced tonight, however, what you showed me, the r

esponses you gave…it’s deeper than anything I have ever experienced before.”

She gasped as she stared into his eyes. Such truths lay in their depths. Elation stole her sanity and touched her soul. Had he declared something more lived between them? Had he felt it, too? She wanted to believe it with every ounce of her being. She’d walked into the room earlier, a woman filled with wishes and wants. But who remained now, someone entirely different. In Gavin’s arms, comforted by his strong hold, her hopes and dreams could be built.


Duty called for aftercare of a sub. Cuddling one until they made sense out of their experience, to allow them to be comfortable leaving the scene created just for them.

Now though, he didn’t care for her out of obligation. The moment had everything to do with Josie. He yearned for a submissive he felt worthy of dominating. One who stirred him as much as he did her—someone who pushed past her limits because he demanded it. A sub who held the role not because of a choice, but because it’d been born into her.


He brushed her hair away from sweat-drenched skin. She appeared confused, still processing everything she’d gone through. His eagerness however, made it impossible to wait. For the first time in his life, he felt out of control, as if his future depended on another.

She recognized the connection between them, and the acknowledgment sent a thrill coursing through his blood. He wouldn’t let her walk out without him. If he had to sway her, he would do whatever he had to. Yet, her soft spoken words, her little admission that she held an interest in him, declared he didn’t need to. He wouldn’t waste the moment by beating around the bush, and set out to stake his claim. “I want to keep you.”

“Pardon?” she squeaked, her eyes filled with shock.

It didn’t surprise him to see she had a hard time processing what he’d said. He had trouble believing it himself, but he had his chance and was going to take it, full throttle. “When we arranged tonight through Madame Eve, I must admit I doubted anything would come of it. I realize the experience had been arranged to welcome you into the lifestyle—to test it out to see if it appealed to you. But what I saw of you tonight tells me you are a special submissive. One I want to give everything I have to offer as a Dom, and more.”

Tears rimmed her stunning blue eyes and he saw happiness in them. It occurred to him then she doubted what he felt toward her. She had given him something special, something he had long searched for. He wasn’t going to hold back and not share his thoughts with her. “You are the first woman who has outlasted me.”

Her shock returned. “I am?”

He nodded and hoped his expression showed his pride. “You didn’t once use your safeword.” He still had difficulty accepting that truth. Women who had been in the lifestyle for years always pulled it out because he pushed them beyond their limits. Josie never cracked. It’s what fuelled his desires. “I’m not sure I can explain to you what this experience tonight meant for me.”

“Try to….” Her tone sounded eager and he knew part of it was because she needed reassurance and acceptance. He wouldn’t deny her.

He took a moment to ponder it all to make sure he got his words right. After a lingering moment, he gathered his thoughts enough to be sure he made sense. “The feeling you have right now, the one which says you are fulfilled and you have pleased someone else beyond measure—I have never experienced such a feeling.”