The final spurt of cum escaped from him, and Brock collapsed onto Kyra’s back as she rested her head against Smith’s chest. He stayed that way, unable to move, unable to think, trembling in the aftereffects of his release. Kyra’s tight rim of muscles continued to convulse around his spent cock, drawing out his groans long after.

After he caught his breath, he slid off her back, dropping down on the floor beside Kyra and Smith on the chaise. She looked at him with clear eyes and bright red cheeks. She was slightly breathless, but grinning in an utterly satisfied way.

He understood not only was this a happy moment for them all, he suspected Kyra had finally fulfilled her ultimate fantasy. Sure, she wanted two men and had that with them their first night together and every night thereafter, but they’d never penetrated her together.

That they had saved for the right moment and perhaps even refrained from a double penetration until they claimed her as theirs. But what they’d done tonight, no one would forget anytime soon. In fact, he hoped they’d repeat it…often.

He reminisced how things began for them. To him, it all seemed destined. Fate intervened with a pact between friends that allowed them to meet. Now he knew they’d never let her go; she was home to them.

Brock even thought back to the first bet Smith and he had made. If Kyra hadn’t outsmarted them and kept them on their toes, he wondered if they would’ve chased her as they had. And with that thought in his mind, he realized something else still wasn’t settled.

He trailed his fingers along her sweaty back. “You know, at some point we have to keep track of your orgasms.”

Smith exchanged a long look with Brock before he smirked at Kyra. “That’s right—our original bet is still outstanding.” He gave her a firm look, even if Smith’s eyes remained playful. “I did tell you, Kyra, we take our bets seriously.”

She laughed, shaking her head. “I never said I’d be a part of the bet, I said I’d join in on the bet.” She looked from Brock to Smith, and cupped their faces. “So, sorry to break it to you, but that first night we were together, you both lost.” A sexy smile curved her lips. “I won.”