Kole reached into his pocket, took out his keys, then handed them to Marley. “I parked in the far left corner of the parking lot. Wreck my baby and there'll be hell to pay."

"I'll drive carefully, and I'm glad to see you in one piece.” Marley turned on her heels and started toward the door. She gave Bella a knowing look and whispered, “You, my friend, have pissed him off."

"Yeah, no shit."

Marley patted her shoulder and offered a kind smile. “Don't worry. His reaction tells me your concerns are for nothing."

"Which means?"

"He wouldn't punish you like that if he didn't care."


Marley laughed under her breath and gave her a quick hug. “I'll wait for you in the hallway. Just don't go Bella on him and you'll do fine.” Then, she left the room, leaving Bella to focus back on the men.

Reed squeezed Kole's shoulder, spoke in a soft voice. “Had me worried there, man."

"Got a bad headache, is all. Just added decoration to the black eye you already gave me.” He closed his eyes and grunted. “Come as soon as you get up. I want out of this place ASAP."

"Sure.” Reed turned away from the bed, then headed for the door. Once next to Bella, he stared at her intently, as if he understood why she was sitting in the seat not saying a word. Bella hadn't even understood the reasons.

He eventually freed her from his hard examination, and as he strode by, she stood and glanced over at Kole resting on the bed looking relaxed. Then, she turned to leave.

"Bella,” Kole called, cool and co

llected. “Come here."

With a deep breath for bravery, she approached him as he said, “We have to talk, don't we?"

The curtness in his voice made her realize he really was angry with her. She had to wonder if it was because she disappointed him earlier, and now with the event he experienced, was he taking his frustrations out on her?

Instead of being enraged like she normally would be, she only experienced shame and sadness. Her heart bled. Now was the time to be honest. “I tried, you know."

"Tried, what?"

"To be what you needed.” She heaved a sigh. “I know that you might find me boring compared to the others, but I can—"

He raised his hand, cutting her off. “Do you believe that I'm upset because of something that happened in the scene?"

"Aren't you?” Her lip trembled, and she hated that. She wanted to be stronger than this, to fight to prove that she could handle the likes of Kole. But her heart broke at his dismissal of her and left her feeling bare.

"Come sit on the bed with me.” She settled in next to him, and he wrapped an arm around her as he continued, “You lied to me."

"I didn't lie."

"Oh no?” He arched an eyebrow. “You told me you were fine. Promised it, if I remember correctly. But then I find out from Reed that you arrived home quite upset.” His eyes narrowed on her. “Explain that."

Heat burned in her cheeks. This was what it was all about—it had nothing to do with her pulling her safe word, and everything to do with why she kept him at arm's length. Would he make her admit she cared for him? “It's not what you think."

"Then what is it, Bella?"

Only the truth would save her now. “I like you."

He leaned back against the bed and stared at her, really looked at her as if she surprised him. “You like me?"

Glancing down at her lap, she twined her fingers and held on tight. “I..."

His finger came under her chin and lifted her head. His eyes were welcoming and warm, and his voice was equally soft. “Tell me."