"Not hiding, watching."

"Ah, the Dom in you can't help but study.” Reed grabbed a beer out of the fridge, opened it, then took a sip. “Who are we studying?"

Kole glanced over at Bella, and her gaze that normally sparkled with life only held dismay. “What's going on with Bella?"

"You just won't leave it alone, will you?"

He ignored the jab that Bella shouldn't intrigue him since she hadn't shown an interest in him for anything more than friendship or in BDSM. “I can't help but notice she seems out of sorts.” He looked back at Reed. “And that's unlike her. She's always so put together."

Reed leaned his hip against the kitchen table and examined Bella. “From what Marley told me, she went to the castle for her night with Raven but couldn't go through with it."

Kole shifted on his feet, and his chest constricted at the thought of her being with anyone. “I could've saved her the embarrassment and told her that myself; she's not a lesbian."

Reed nodded firmly. “I'd imagine she realizes that now."

Kole gazed over Bella, pondering the complex puzzle that she was. He'd seen from day one that she had submissive tendencies. But it wasn't his place to inform her, nor was it his place to put her under his command, even if it'd please him.

With a grunt, he glanced at Reed. “What's with the long face, though?"

"Marley said she's frustrated because she failed.” Reed's stare became pointed. “You know Bella. I'm sure her pride is playing a part here."

Kole took another gulp of his beer; then he shook his head in frustration. “It's bothering me much more than it ought to, knowing that I could guide her way."

Reed snickered. “Back to this, are we?"

It wasn't a secret that Kole had an interest in Bella. Hell, how could he hide it? Every time they all went out to a dance club or even met at a pub for Sunday Night Football, she teased him. But he wasn't the only one captured by a woman. “Marley spun you just as hard."

Reed inclined his head. “Got me there.” Then, his expression firmed. “But this is different. Marley knew the lifestyle interested her. Bella doesn't. If you plan to stick to vanilla sex, then by all means"—he waved out toward Bella—"enjoy yourself. But it should stop there."

Vanilla sex didn't interest Kole. Even if Bella could use a good lay to brighten her mood, he didn't have it in him not to demand her submission, especially once he settled himself between her luscious thighs.

Reed continued, “If Bella finally realizes that her tastes extend to BDSM, then it's my responsibility as Marley's Dom—and boyfriend—to place her with the right one.” He lifted his chin, his voice deepening. “That's not you."

Kole snorted. “Thanks for the high opinion, jackass."

"You know what I'm saying, Kole.” Reed's tone softened, and he placed a hand on Kole's shoulder. “You've never taken a newbie who's as innocent as Bella into a scene."

"I don't think she's as innocent as she puts off,” Kole retorted. “There's a feisty woman in her, and that strength I'd imagine would make for a sub I'd enjoy."

"Strengthwise, yes,” Reed countered. “But she's not submissive in nature. I doubt she has it in her to give you the control you want.” He dropped his hand, folded his arms. “And then I'll be placed in a position to explain why she can't sit for a week since her ass will be marked for her disobedience."

Kole was well aware of who he was and that he enjoyed pushing his subs to extremes that Reed would never go in order to show their submission to him. Plus that he tolerated much less than Reed did from a submissive.

But something existed between him and Bella, and that told him that Reed's worries were irrelevant. He wouldn't be drawn to a submissive who couldn't give him what he needed as a Dom.

Reed stared hard into Kole's eyes and finally sighed. “Fuck, my talk is pointless, isn't it? You're going to go after her, aren't you?"

Nothing Reed had said would dissuade him. An opportunity had presented itself that he wouldn't let pass him by. Bella needed a fantasy. And he'd give her the one he knew she craved, even if she didn't realize it. “I'll introduce the idea and let her decide if she wants to pursue it."

"Introduce, huh?"

Kole grinned. “I'll awaken that dormant submissive in her, let her squirm awhile until she realizes

I'm exactly what she needs."

Reed exhaled, long and deep. “Promise me you won't push her excessively if she doesn't submit to you as you'd like?"

"You know"—he glared at Reed—"for my roommate and friend, your opinion of me is discouraging."