He continued to skim his hand along her back so delicately as if she'd break, and his voice was tender. “Stay there for a moment, darlin'.” He strode toward the tray, deposited the empty condom, then returned to her.

"I warned you about using your soft-limit word again.” Squatting down next to her, he offered a warm smile as he brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “But more than that, you've had enough for tonight."

No. This can't happen!

"I was a little overwhelmed and needed a break, which you said I'd get with the soft word.” Oh Lord, she even sounded desperate. “Please, let's continue, Sir."

"You're right—I did say that about the safe word, but I also said that I'd take measure of you and determine if I agreed.” His features remained tender, as did his tone. “In this case, I did, and you've had enough."

He lifted her and placed her on her bottom, the cool floor an utter relief to her tender skin. Then he removed the silk around her body.

Icy fingertips trailed up her spine as she cringed against the silk's departure. The sensation equaled to his hands leaving her body.

He grabbed a blanket off the tray, wrapped it around her, and gathered her in his arms, effortlessly.

Then he strode toward the back wall and took a seat on the bench and pulled her onto his lap, tucking her head against his shoulder.

"You've done well tonight.” He stroked her hair. “Don't take shame that you couldn't handle the last bit there. It'll come in time."

But all she experienced was disappointment. Her body stripped of its release left her sickened, which only increased with the knowledge that she'd failed.

For the first time, she'd lowered her shields that protected her—that made her able to stand up to the arrogant men she worked with and hold her chin high—and she'd been proven not an equal.

"I warned you what would happen tonight and of my expectations.” He tucked his finger under her chin, seemingly staring into the very depths of her. “You need to trust me, and this is how we gain that.” He smiled gently. “I pushed you far tonight, as I told you I would. Be proud of what you've accomplished."

She dropped her head, not even able to meet his eye. Her body was used up, especially emotionally. Now with the sensations over, she realized she could have held off. Why had she panicked?

"Talk to me.” His voice was soft and so unlike the demeanor he'd shown thus far. He forced her gaze back to his by lifting her chin. “How are you feeling?"

Her mind was so lost in the mess of confusion and anger. “I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now,” she told him honestly. “But I know I enjoyed everything you did to me."

"Are you surprised by how compliant you were?"


It shocked the hell right out of her. “I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did."

He inclined his head as if he had already known her answer. “Nothing you didn't like?"

She shook her head, unable to say to him that she prided herself on being strong, and in the face of a test, she nosedived. Yeah, she fucking hated that.

"Lived up to your expectations, then?"

A lump formed in her throat, and she forced her voice to work. “It exceeded them."

Her stomach churned. Why had she done this? Her feelings for Kole were apparent before tonight. Now they were out front and center, and she couldn't keep up with him, wasn't enough for him.

He suddenly stiffened, and his hand tightened in her hair. A flash of emotion rushed along his face too quick to identify. “Tell me your thoughts."

Tell him or not?

She studied him for a moment to read him. To her horror, disappointment shone in his gaze. And that part of her that had doubts about giving him control rebounded. Her defenses rose, and she stood, holding the blanket over herself. “Nothing."

Darkness washed over his gaze. “Back to this, are we?"

"Back to what?” she snapped.

His eyes narrowed. “Bella, why do you get tough and shut everyone out?"