He grinned at how awkward that sounded from her. “Since you're new to the lifestyle, if I'm doing something that has you worried, but you don't necessarily want me to stop, you'll say ‘rose.’ Say it."


"Excellent. If you say your soft-limit word, I can take measure of you, see if I agree, and we can discuss how you're feeling.” He leaned in and tilted his head. “I'll decide if I should keep going, or if we should move on to something else."

"I understand,” she rasped.

He hadn't even touched her yet, and she was thoroughly aroused, her pupils dilated. The little spitfire held zero comprehension that she'd shine tonight. “I've asked you a direct question, so your response will be ‘yes, Sir,’ even ‘okay, Sir,’ or ‘I understand, Sir.’ If you want to make me very happy, you might say, ‘yes, Master Kole.’”

A burn filled her gaze, and Kole understood. Bella had always kept everyone at a distance. He'd seen it time and time again. How she'd pushed everyone away with her brisk, snappy attitude, and he doubted she'd call him “Master.” The “Sir” would suffice for now.

"Yes, Sir."

It'd been years since he had anyone new under his command. He usually enjoyed skilled submissives that he could push. Pain along with pleasure could leave women boneless. Yet he appreciated the innocence of Bella. Furthermore, he enjoyed Bella, the woman.

He inhaled and caught a waft of luscious woman mixed with cinnamon body spray. As he gazed over her naked flesh, his cock twitched. Her perky breasts with rosy nipples delighted him. The curves and hard lines detailing her athletic frame and shaved pussy invited him. His daydreaming over what she looked like beneath her clothes wasn't even close to how beautiful she really was.


Leaving her kneeling in the center of the room, he strode over toward the tray of items he gathered for the scene. Each item was chosen carefully from her list of limits she gave him when she signed the waiver required by the castle.

He grabbed the four leather cuffs with fur inside and also took the black ropes off the tray, then returned to her. “Stand."

She rose, awkwardly, which he'd not fault her for. Most times, he'd never tolerate such jerky movements from a submissive, but Bella wasn't his usual submissive. Something he reminded himself of as he wrapped the cuff around her left wrist, then repeated the move on the other. Her sharp inhale and the tremor that ran through her made him smile.

Very responsive.

Once her wrists were bound, he stepped in behind her and grasped her wrists at her back. Then, he laced one of the ropes through the loops on the cuffs.

Bella softened beneath his touch.


He pulled on the rope slightly until she backed up; then he attached the loose ends of the rope onto the wooden post in the center of the room. He added the cuff to her ankle and ran another piece of rope down to the loop on the floor to place her in an inverted Y position.

By the time he finished with the knot on her other leg, she panted in heavy breaths, and her muscles quivered. “Rose,” she whispered.

"I'm pleased that you're aware when you should use your safe word. But I'm binding you because there's some trust between us since we've known each other for a while now.” He brushed his fingers along her calf to soothe her. “If you go into a scene with another Dom, you're to refuse this until you trust him more.” He tilted his head and studie

d her. “Now then, why are you worried?"

"I can't move, Sir."

"Breathe against your worry and grow comfortable within the restraints.” He strode toward the wall to give her space, squatted down, watching for any sign that being bound was something she couldn't handle. The little woman trembled in fear, but those taut nipples couldn't lie. This aroused her.

Within a few minutes, the heavy rise and fall of her chest eased, and the redness in her cheeks faded. He approached, her wanton gaze and enticing scent drawing him to her. “You handled that well, Bella.” A slow show of trust he appreciated. “You have your safe word. Remind yourself of that."

"I will."

He grabbed her chin, angled her head back to ensure he garnered her attention. “I explained my rules to you when we discussed your limits and have also given you a reminder a moment ago.” Her eyes widen in slight, but he carried on. “If I have to remind you again of how to address me, you'll be punished"

"Yes, Sir."

She might have bitten out the word, but he expected nothing less. Right now, she was playing along to see where this would take her, not giving him the respect he deserved. He sought to change that. “Very good."

Drawing in a long deep breath, he considered her. From what she'd told him and shown him, she had a curiosity toward being bound and flogged, but she was skittish. Proceed with caution, or she'll end this. Not on his life.

This little hellion made him curious, and now having her here, a desire rose to show her what she'd been missing in her life. And that included him being in it.