"I was unaware, Sir."

He moved the crop lower down to rest at her entrance. With his free hand, he palmed her clit to show her that her answer was exactly right. “Explain why?"

"Because...” She hummed as he rolled the bud beneath his touch. Her eyes fluttered closed for a mere second before she snapped them open. “Because I never talked to you. If I had said how I felt and asked if you were disappointed instead of assuming it, then this wouldn't have happened."

He lowered the crop, then slid his fingers through her damp folds and worked her center with prodding fingers. “And because of your behavior, what happened?"

"You withdrew from me and punished me by not acknowledging me to show me how you felt when I did that to you.” She dropped her head on her arm and thrust her pussy against his hand. “Which I deserved, because I clearly shouldn't assume what others are thinking."

He pulled his hand away. The chain above Bella protested as it carried some of her weight with a loud clang. “Are you aware now of what will happen if you behave in this manner again?"

"We'll be over."

He snapped his fingers in front of her face. “Just like that.” He tucked the crop under his arm. “If a Dom and sub don't have openness and trust between them, the relationship will fail.” He cupped her face and leaned in, his lips nearly on hers. “No lies. Total honesty. Yes?"

"From here on out, Sir."

He smiled. “Nice to hear.” He slid his hand along her jaw, took her chin, and held her firm. Her sincerity pleased him. And she'd understood his actions at the hospital. Sometimes experiencing something firsthand was much easier than explaining it. And she learned from it, but here was her test to see if she was truly honest with him. “Now that you've had time to think things over like you requested...” Her eyes widened, unease filled her features, and he expected such a reaction from her. “Answer my question. Why do you get tough and shut everyone out?"


He narrowed his eyes. “Now, now, don't going ruining how well you've done and make me punish you in ways that are unpleasant."

Restraining his grin proved difficult, seeing the full-body shudder she gave at the idea of his punishment. “I was very kind last night to simply ignore you. My generosity will not happen again."

She nibbled her lip for only a second before her shoulders relaxed. “I've been hurt before.” Tears welled in her eyes, and his heart clenched seeing her pain. “I suppose because of that, I closed myself off so you couldn't do the same."

All things he expected to hear, but it was refreshing that she finally spoke the truth. “Does it feel good to always be forcing others away?"

She shook her head, and more tears fell. “No, Sir."

He couldn't stand not touching her any longer. He cupped her cheeks, and brushed away the wetness. “If you feel that you need to protect yourself, then yes, I believe shutting out anyone who would mistreat you is wise.” He swirled his fingers along her cheeks. “But am I a man who will disrespect you?"

"No, Sir."

His heart warmed at the softness of her. Sweet woman. And he wanted to lash out at the men who had mishandled her emotions “We're in agreement, then, that those walls you put up to protect yourself don't belong when you're with me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"That sounds much better, darlin'.” He reached up for the hook above her and unlatched it.

As she lowered her arms, she sighed, and he caught the sound with his mouth. He swiped his tongue in a perfect rhythm with hers as he cupped her nape. A perfect, wet mouth he could get lost in.

She melted under his touch, squirmed against him, and damn, she tested his control.

Backing away from her, he rested his forehead on hers and kept his hand tight on her neck. “It's not a question of will I give up my other submissives for you.” He stared into her eyes that had entranced him at first glance and hoped she read his emotion. “It's that I always needed more than one to satisfy me. With you, I need no one else. Bella, I'm in love with you, sweetheart."

"I love you too."

He grinned. “Not just like?"

She laughed, the sweetest sound he'd ever heard. “No, Sir, love."

He took her mouth and kissed her as if tomorrow was his last. Her tongue followed his as he guided her. He enjoyed the soft, wet mouth of hers that he could hardly wait to have around his cock.

Once he'd thoroughly kissed her to leave her panting and shivering in excitement, he backed away. “Further questions?"

"None, Sir."