Her lips parted.


She gasped a loud breath, and those eyes...oh, those sweet sexy eyes of hers cleared with determination. “Please. Sir."

He lifted an eyebrow. “Please, what?"

Blue beauties twinkled at him. And for the first time tonight, he witnessed her desire to give him control, her expression wide open for him. Fuck, he'd give her all he had; she only had to ask.

Her ravenous eyes begged him, but that wasn't enough. He needed to hear her submission. She finally sighed, everything about her went lax, shoulders sank, and her body softened against his. “All right,” she whispered, sounding on the edge of fatigue. “Sir, I beg you to let me come."

Her submission empowered him in ways he didn't anticipate. He gazed at her, and within the depths of her eyes, he witnessed a Bella he hadn't met yet.

Soft and sweet. Willing and giving. He saw trust. In him.

"Now that sounded lovely.” He tightened his jaw as he pumped his fingers, using the full force of his muscles to render the woman cross-eyed. But here was a powerful lesson for her too. “And that is exactly the type of behavior that gets rewarded."

Her slick heat tightened around his fingers, making him work harder, but no sound came from her mouth until she screamed, “Yeeessss."

As her final shout of release echoed in the empty room, he withdrew his fingers but rubbed her clit to intensify the lingering effects of her orgasm. Christ, she looked beautiful, all boneless and flushed.

He twined his tongue with hers, and she kissed him in return with no restraint. Elation soared through his soul. Her trust in him touched him. A warm sensation that made him smile.

Once he backed away from her, he discovered he wasn't the only one grinning.

"Wow.” She exhaled with puffy lips. “I think I just came so hard that I, for all of a second, died.” At his arched eyebrow, she added, “Thank you, Sir."

He chuckled. “That, my Bella, was to get you out of this"—he tapped her forehead—"and to get this"—he smacked her pussy with a hard hit, and she gasped—"warmed up."

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Chapter Four

Tremors rocked Bella from the tips of her toes all the way up to her head as Kole removed the cuffs from her wrists. She was satisfied to her very bones. Never...not o

nce...had she come like that. It was more than a wave of pleasure washing over her—nothing less than a soul-deep explosion of euphoria.

Every nerve ending awakened and seemed to detonate from within. She'd never felt more alive than under the command of Kole, experiencing sensations she'd never dreamed possible.

While she realized that she'd finally succumbed to him, and wasn't quite sure how she felt about that, she recognized it pleased him. And that in turn gave her unexpected pleasure.

Following him with her hazy vision, he strode over to the tray, then deposited the cuffs and rope. Her pulse kicked up a notch as she studied him. This man hadn't used his cock, and she about up and died.

What next?

More pleasure.

More pain.

More Kole.

Oh, such sweet delights.

Turning back to her, he held a long piece of black silk in his hand. He ran his hands over it, twining it between his fingers, and she couldn't look away. The heat that had settled between her thighs now flared back to life.

He slid the silk down her arm. Good God! The softness of the fabric was utterly sexy—thrilling.

He placed the loose fabric over her neck, and it rested against her shoulders. Then, he wrapped it under her armpits and around her back.