People were still coming through the doors, while the band who also worked at Kinky Spurs, the best watering hole in town, played the fourth song of the night. Soon the party would be happening, and once Darryl got his Santa work completed, he’d spend the rest of the night with the only woman on his mind.

She still hadn’t answered his question from last night.

He wanted that answer.

Darryl reached for the bag of gifts again,

when a softer, sexier voice said behind him, “Hi, Santa. Am I on the nice list this year?”

He turned and immediately reached for Penelope’s hand. Damn. His body heated and hardened in a single breath. “I’m beginning to think it would serve me better if you were on the naughty list.” He pulled her in close and kissed her, not caring who saw him, only caring that his lips met hers. “My. My,” he said when he backed away. He held her hand and twirled his finger, and she obliged, giving him a little spin. She wore green-and-red stripe leggings with a little green dress, and sleek, sexy black heels that did incredible things for her legs. Her hair was in big curls and her makeup was darker than he’d seen it. He thought maybe he should just skip the work part all together.

The song shifted to a slow song. “Come on,” he said, taking her hand, leading her onto the dance floor. “We’ve got work, but first, let’s dance.” He pulled her in close, loving how she smiled sweetly at him.

A dozen or more people danced around them, but he was focused on her. On the way she stared into his eyes and felt all soft against him. He didn’t want her to leave. And he hoped she realized she didn’t want to either.

“Stop taking up all the room, Wilson.”

Darryl snorted, recognizing the voice. He turned to Nash Blackshaw who danced with his wife, Megan, in his arms. “Aren’t you the one who usually takes up most the room, Blackshaw?”

Nash barked a loud laugh.

Darryl glanced at Megan. “Thank you for providing the band again.”

“Thank the band.” Megan smiled; her unique eyes, one blue, the other brown, were bright tonight. “They’re doing all the work. Since we’re kidless tonight, I’m just here for the dancing and booze.” She laughed as Nash twirled her away.

In their place, Darryl noticed the other two Blackshaw brothers, Shep and Chase, along with their wives, Emma and Harper. Their family had suffered a blow after losing their father, then some financial and personal trouble came their way when they developed a new guest ranch, but anytime Darryl saw them now, they all seemed happy and busy with their kids.

“They’re all brothers, aren’t they?”

Darryl glanced at Penelope, finding her watching the group. “Yeah, good people too.”

She tipped her head to the side and gave him a knowing look. “Isn’t everyone here good people?”

“Most yes, but not all.” He paused then explained, “Being a cop means seeing the worst in the people sometimes. And the worst can, at times, be dark.”

“I suppose that’s probably very true.” She dropped her head onto his shoulder and sank deeper into his hold, letting him guide the way through the dance as Dalton, the lead singer of the Kinky Spurs band sang his heart out like he was putting on a big show in a stadium. The man could sing. There was a story there. Dalton could’ve been famous and was nearly signed, but his sick mother kept him at home.

Darryl felt for the guy, hoping something good came to Dalton soon. He turned his attention back to Penelope and dropped his head into her neck, giving her a soft kiss there.

“If I ask you something, will you tell me the truth?” she asked a moment later.

He met those pretty eyes again. “That’s all I know how to do.”

“Do you do all this community service during the holidays because it keeps you from being alone?”

He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Who’s the mind reader now?”

“I learned from the very best.”

“I’ll take that compliment and wear it proudly,” he said, leaning back to meet her gaze, and then he dug into that place he wasn’t very fond of going. “To answer your question, yes, I like doing things for others during Christmas. I didn’t volunteer as much when I was married because Natalie didn’t like to be in the public that way, but my mother loved volunteering. It’s a good way to honor her every year. Of course, this year is a little different. All these events are new, and I’m heading them up for a purely selfish reason too.”

“Which is?”

“To look better for a possible promotion.”

She studied him a moment. “Nothing wrong with trying to further yourself.”

He gave her a little kiss for that. He dropped his head into Penelope’s neck again, liking being right there, drawing in her sugary aroma.