Darryl scoffed. “Wrong. You taste incredible.”

Ebenezer jumped off the bed.

“You can breathe now,” Darryl said, flicking off the light again. “He doesn’t like being caught loving on anyone or anything.” Darryl gathered her in his arms until he was spooning her side, while she lay on her back, his leg draped over hers. “See? All safe.” Tyson came up to the bed, and Darryl gave him a head scratch. “Nothing to worry about, bud. Back to bed.”

Tyson yawned and then curled up beside the bed on the floor.

Penelope did not move, her heart hammering in her ears.

Silence drifted between them for a few minutes before Darryl’s chuckle filled the dark room. “Sleeping happens when you shut your eyes.”

“How can you tell I’m not sleeping?”

“Are you sleeping?”


“Then that’s how I know.”

She laughed softly then turned into him, his breath brushing across her cheek. “I think my flight mode has been activated.”

“Just settle,” he said, his voice low and smooth.

“Says the guy that didn’t have a killer cat sleeping on his chest.”

Darryl moved away then flicked on the light again. When he faced her, his playful expression she thought she’d find was nowhere in sight. Hardness lay in his every line. “All right, if you don’t want to sleep, let’s talk.” He took a deep breath. “Stay.”

She blinked, thinking she heard him wrong.

Then she realized she hadn’t, as he added, “I know this is going to rock the boat. That maybe what you want is a world away from here, but I couldn’t live with myself if I don’t say it. I don’t want you to leave after Christmas, Penelope. Stay here, with me. Let’s give this a shot.”

Her heart promptly landed in her stomach. “It’s more complicated than my just staying.”

“Why? It seems pretty simple to me. Don’t leave. All fixed.”

“What about my job?”

“There are bartending jobs here. Or you could find a new one.”

“Where wo

uld I live?”

“I have no doubt your cousins would take you in until you got settled.”

She was beginning to run out of reasons not to, and by the intensity in his gaze, he seemed like he knew it too.

“There’s your new adventure,” he said, sliding his knuckles across her cheek. “Do something you’ve never done. Stick.”

Her throat tightened, skin flushed hot, and she shifted against the mattress, suddenly realizing that having Ebenezer on her seemed easy in comparison to this conversation. “I can’t—”

Darryl pressed his finger against her mouth. “Just think about it, that’s all I’m asking.” He slowly removed his finger, and in its place came his mouth.

And damn was it a fine mouth.

He swept her away with his kiss, and she became mindless to him, losing herself in the passion he invoked.

“Now, how about we get you settled for the night?” he said, moving atop her until they were pressed together flesh against flesh.